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Some sneak peek about what I'm currently working on


autonomous spaghetti

Cool. I've got another bug report, because an issue fixed about a year ago has made a partial return at some point between 2.9.29 and the latest version (3.2.23) If you are editing cell number X in the white-backgrounded "main window" (not the Cell Editor window), and then jump into another file through the Search function while still editing the cell, the new file's cell number X will be overwritten with the earlier file's translation. This is a rather annoying bug, because it is sometimes impossible to notice immediately. If you were editing cell 50 on map 001, then jumped to cell 1000 on scripts.txt, the garbage data is 950 cells above whatever you're looking at.


Hi Spaghetti, Thank you for your report. But I can not reproduce the error. Can you provide picture, or video? Sorry for asking you too much.