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I always think about how to make the translation process less burdensome for automatic translation services.

What I've been thinking about is, when a number of users translate the exact same game. They translate the exact same phrases, line, etc. What a  waste of  resources, time and energy isn’t it?

That's why I've been thinking of a way that we can share our translations and download other people's translations through Translator++.

Let say user A created a translation project in Translator++. He then shared those translations in the cloud so that everyone can download, use, modify and improve it. By this, the other users will be able to start a new translation project not from a blank slate…. but from the last point of the user A has left off. And user A can also benefit from improvements made by other users.

In other words… we empower the community's wisdom to boost our translation.

Just like GIT, but specifically crafted for translation and Translator++. And of course all of that is at the cost of just a few clicks at Translator++.

So, what do you think about that feature?


autonomous spaghetti

An option to share a project's progress across multiple users sounds helpful for group translation projects. But the way it's described here sounds like a massive recipe for copyright infringement and other trouble. Is the idea that ANYONE with the game will be able to access its ongoing translation project in the cloud? Who's hosting the data and responsible for what gets uploaded? If it's your own service, aren't you going to get in trouble when someone inevitably uploads pornographic material there? If you do decide to implement this in some way, I hope it is opt-in for both legal and moral reasons. Translations are as protected by copyright as games or other literary products, and it would certainly be a violation of copyright to yoink everyone's projects into the cloud.


The problem with this undertaking, aside from creating the api required for the storage of the JSON object for each person's progress, is versioning. For example, let's say 2 people ran for the same game. One person uses Google, one person uses Bing. Which one should be the preferred one for a third user? Do we let them pick? If so, we'd need a good diff system. Then, what happens if the Google user tweaks his translation where it's perfect (doesn't read like MTL). Should he get a special label for "manually edited" lines? Essentially you'd need an API such as GET /game1 that returns all possible versions, preferably sorted by date modified. Then, you'd also need a secondary run over using "manually edited" label to determine rank. At the end of the day, as this software scales and you have say 10+ versions, you need a efficient way to diff between them. Possibly use "manually edited" as a variable. Possibly use "user voted" as a variable. There's a lot in this feature. I would also consider adding DeepL as a feature if it isn't already. I currently use it (with an API key that I pay for). It's the best service right now. Of course when you add payment into it, you need to optimize your caching design so you don't waste people's money. DeepL charges per million character, I think most games can be processed under 20 dollars. Finally, I think a much more effective way to improve Translator++ is to have a built in dictionary for Japanese singleton words. For example, I currently rely on the Find and Replace feature for names and proper noun. Ideally Translator++ should recognize that when the "Yes" character for Japanese is by itself in a single chunk (usually choices), it should NOT call the API. Or if the characters for "Foreigner" is found, it should not call the API as well. All this assumes they're not part of any sentence as kanji probably becomes different meaning depending on context/


I think you have some locally stored dictionary but honestly I haven't found it useful to work with. A lot of System variables, such as "Save", "Load", and "Quit" can be managed on the cloud with a single source of truth instead of having a json file in everyone's computer. IMO that should be a good start. As the creator of Translator++, you can elicit a single source of truth with some trusted translator. Yes it is tedious to verify, but IMO we can let the community vote on correct translation on things like "Potion", "Wood Sword", "Music", "Options", "Fire", "Ice". Common rpgmaker words that's built in to the engine.


Thank you for the valuable input. As you said there are many problems that need to be considered in order to implement this. Regarding legal issues, of course users will have the option to make their project private. Everything that is uploaded must be with their consent. This is actually a long term plan for Translator ++. There are two things I think about, the first is this, and the next is the ability to collaborate with team members in real time in p2p (Just like Google Sheets). These two things are not an easy things to do. But for this time I just want to see how people react to this plan....and work accordingly.


Thank you for the excellent suggestions. As you said, this feature is going to be a really long way to go. I have also thought about creating some sort of weighting system to judge the quality of translation. Of course, a translation made entirely with MTL cannot be compared to a hand crafted manual translation. I never thought of I never thought about comparing fellow MTL, between free service and paid service. So, thank you for your suggestions. Regarding the dictionary. That's actually what I thought when I created the "Common reference" section. Actually it is the minimum viable product of the system you mentioned above that I made very hastily. I will also expand on that feature in the future.


impossible to translate games with rgss encrypted archive I can only translate games without this encryption next update will be possible?


hey can any1 help me after i batch translate game and inject live translation i have few games where after patching and starting game by trans++ i got error like "window_input: script line 58 an some diffrent line on end it differs depend on game its usually some "`or nameclass or i can get falied to load script im pretty new to this so if any1 can help i will be verry thankfull


Hello VanDhal, Welcome aboard. Please read the FAQs here : http://dreamsavior.net/docs/translator/faq/ The answer of your problem is there.


I imagine it very well could be wonderful, but don't know how well it'll work in reality. So I wish best of luck without a vote