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Hello fellow translators,

Thank you for your continuous support on Translator++.

Your support motivates me to continue making improvements and release the latest updates for Translator++.

This year is the third year of Translator++, so from now on Translator++ is entering its 3rd version.

Translator++ Ver. 3.1.30

  • Add : Support for RPG Maker 2000 & 2003
  • New workflow for RPG Maker's project creation.
  • Add : WolfJS : Option to set maximum number of lines in the message box.
  • Fix : Third party application installer sometimes unable to install the software.
  • Inject translation from the main menu now will inject all objects disregard the selection. This is to avoid confusion.
  • Export translation from the main menu now will process all objects disregard the selection. This is to avoid confusion.
  • Fix : Layout broken when scroll bar appeared on Active Cell
  • Fix : Scrollbar on original text
  • Add : Can navigate cell from current cell field
  • Update : Bing translator
  • Update : V3 style

Translator++ now supports all version of RPG Maker available on Windows

Yes, that includes RPG Maker 2000 & 2003 too.

The biggest challenge when creating support for this legacy RPG Maker is unicode support. Because RPG Maker 2k & 2k3 only supports a handful of the text encoding formats.

Initially this was one of the reasons I was not too interested in working on this engine. But I saw some people working very hard to remake the interpreter of this almost obsolete game in the EasyRpg project. Because of that I became more motivated to work on this engine.

Many patrons also gave suggestions to make support for this engine.

There is a switch to enable / disable the easyrpg interpreter in the options section. I highly recommend using easyrpg instead of native rpg maker’s interpreter.

Behavior change on export & inject translation

So far, some people who are using Translator++ for the first time are confused because the texts they translate are not all exported when there are several objects in the right pane checked. I have to admit this is a blunder in the UI design.

Now I change the export & import behavior to make it more sensible. If you export or inject a translation using the buttons in the main menu, Translator++ will process all the objects disregard the selection.

Export & Inject on main menu will disregards the selection.

On the other hand, if you export or inject a translation through the right click menu, selection will be taken into account.

Export and the newly added Inject translation menu on the right click will process the selection.

Translator++ Ver 3.1.30 is available on patron’s download section.






What's the point of implementing new functions if the "old" ones don't work? Renpy: during the export 90% of the times it closes giving back 0 KB files, the function that deletes all the strings that end with an audio or video extension has not been implemented, there are hundreds of them and it is impractical to search them with "Find to search". Unity: You have to play the whole game to see the translation and you simply don't know where to export?


Hi ginofrio, All the feature released are tested and supposed to work fine on general games. But I expect that you know that Translator++ may not work for some games that implements heavy modification or non standard packaging. But usually that is a small number. Actually I'm intrigued with your remark that Renpy closes during export. Can you fill me more about this? Please send me some of the rpy/rpyc of the game that failed to export. About Find and search: I don't see why it is impractical to use Find to tags your audio files? Whether there is hundreds or thousands of audio files, you can tag all of them with a couple of clicks.


I translates a lot, and trust me Find tools is more than enough to find and exclude resources to the builds. For example you can search ".mp3" or ".wav" and then right click select all. Then right click again and now apply a tags. And if you somehow unsatisfied with the "normal" way of searching, you can use RegExp to make your search more refined. If you have tried this and still find difficulties, please contact me again. But I have to admit that these engines handler are not perfect. So if you found a problem please provide detailed information so that I can reproduce the error in order to fix it. Also, please don't worry, all these engines will receive updates in the future releases. Thank you.


Thanks for the reply, I mean the program is great with RPGM games, but I also translate a lot of Ren'py and as I told you the problem is that it exports all the files and folders correctly, but they are empty files of zero Kb, after hours of corrections to get a well done translation, at the moment of getting the fruit of hard work and receiving empty files is really bad. I hope this problem will be overcome in the future, because I like this program very much.


Thank you ginofrio. I hope I can fix those problem. But, I can't really fix anything without knowing what the errors are. So, It would be helpful if you sent me some of the untranslated rpy/rpyc file that turned into zero kb file after being translated. Thank you.


First, thank you so much for this program! It's extremely helpful. The problem I'm having is trying to export Map objects that I've translated out to spreadsheets. I have someone double checking me and that would be much easier to share. But when I select the maps I've done and try to export to spreadsheets, it asks me to choose a folder and then there's nothing in the folder. It doesn't make any files at all. Am I doing something wrong?