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Hello everyone,

How are you guys?

I hope you are healthy and kicking.

Without further ado, I’m happy to announce to you all the release of Translator++ ver. 2.5.27

Translator++ Ver 2.5.27 :

  • Add : WolfJs
  • Reworked : AddOns class
  • Reworked : UiTags class

We have three major updates in this version.


 If you follow the Translator++’s dev-log, you surely know the problem we have with the old Wolf RPG parser that push me to create a parser for Wolf RPG. This parser has been completed, and I have tried it on several games with satisfying results. 

Translator ++ Ver 2.5.27 will include the first version of the parser.

I will continue to perfect this parser from time to time. And I hope you continue to provide input.

I will continue to improve this parser from time to time into perfection. And I hope you all continue to support me and provide feedback.

Add-ons class has been reworked

I plan to continue to add support to more game engines into Translator++.

My goal is afterall…. to make a translation tool that supports all major engines in the market.

But each game engine has different characteristics, it requires different parsers, and might require a completely different handler.

If I continue to add more and more features into Translator++, it will become bloated in no time.

So, I want to make Translator++ more modular. 

The benefit of making Translator++ modular is that these modules can be updated separately without updating the entire application. Users also have the option to disable modules that they do not use. This will keep the size of Translator++ stay in check… except you explicitly install all the modules. 

This will also open the possibility for the other developer or modder to create their own modules for Translator++.

At present this AddOn class is still in progress.

Tags are improved.

I also made improvements to the tagging feature.

Now we can use tagging to filter out (or in) translation when applying translations.


More download options

Starting from this version, Translator++ is also available in standard version and developer version.

Developer version is slightly bigger in size. It has a built in developer tools and debugger.

I hope you enjoy the latest version of Translator++.

Translator ++ Ver 2.5.27 is available in Patron’s download section. 

Stay healthy, and avoid the crowds.




Bravo, good job. I feel an improvement in this version. although: there are still a lot of commands that change because it's translated. example: 処 \ cself [0] / 顔 \ cself [1] / \ cself [2] / slot \ cself [3] \ cself [0] / face \ cself [1] / \ cself [2] / slot \ cself [3] make an error and text coming out of the torbor. when playing a conversation can not be read in part. there should be parameters, so we know where the text is allowed. that's all my input. only this time I feel an upgrade. good job,


Hello, I'm using Translator++ well. However, when I export WolfRpg after translating it, all the text changes to ??????. I am a Korean user and tried to translate Japanese -> Korean. My English is not good enough, so I upload it with the help of a translator. ex) "??? 「 ?????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ???"


Change your locale to Japan. You can either set that up on your Windows, or by using software like Locale Emulator or something.


I changed the Windows system locale to Japanese, translated it again, and extracted it, but if I check it, only the parts in Korean will still be changed to ???????. After translation, Korean is printed properly, but it seems that there is a problem during the Export Project and Inject/Apply Translation process. This problem did not occur in rpgmv, and it appears to occur only in wolfrpg. Thank you.


In addition, there is a bug that displays the message "You selected one or more tags, but the action is 'none' " even after tag designation and select blacklist if you do export project or Inject/Apply Translation several times.


We can not compare MV with Wolf. They are entirely different engine. Wolf has limitation that only can use SHIFT-JIS encoding. You might also want to check the font used in your game, was it support Korean or not.


getting an issue with wolf editor where it gets stuck at "parsing files" after it extracts would that indicate it is incompatible with the game or is there a simple fix?