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If you can see this article, you have special access rights to enter the lab where Translator ++ is being developed

There are several things you can do in The Lab :

Access to Git Repository

You can access Git Repository of Translator++.

You have a read only access to the repository. There you can see in real time the process of the development of Translator++. All changes that are committed to the Git Repository have been tested before, so if you want, you can download the fully working latest Translator++.

Link to the Master branch :


Link to the download section :


(If the download failed for some reason, you can try to clone instead. The command is mentioned at the bottom of this post.)

This is a private Git Repository, so you need a special account to be able to access it.

Use this account below :

Username : translatorplusplus@gmail.com

Password :  Uj?<]'Dcs(b76SK~H=

Please note that this information is only for you. So please do not at any circumstances share the link and repository account with anyone.


The password will be changed periodically. Please see this page to get the latest password.

Please contact me immediately if you have problem accessing the repository. I'll fix it for you.

Repository Address: 


Another way to download the repository is by cloning into a folder in your pc by running this command :

git clone https://translatorplusplus@bitbucket.org/dreamsavior/translator.git

(of course you need to install git beforehand)





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