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 Hello fellow translators,

As promised, this update contains Yandex translator.

Ver. 1.7.12

  • Translator Engine class is overhauled
  • Fixing Baidu Translator
  • Adding Yandex

Not much to report here. Because in this update I focused on overhauling TranslatorEngine class. The class became more efficient and  If you are a developer you can write less code to create new engine now. If you are an end user, you can choose the escaping algorithm for inline codes. Currently there are two working algorithm. First is “Aggressive Splitting”(which is now only working for Japanese source material only) and the other is “Meaningless Word”. Each has their pros and cons.


Starting from Ver. 1.7.12 we can use Yandex service as reference. To be able to use Yandex, you need to create API key though. It’s free, go get it here.

 You can download this version on patron’s download page. 

Happy translating.




Hi Dreamsavior, I found an error when using Wrapping Text: https://i.imgur.com/5UQ0QVE.png (sample is Map003 which has 9 rows)


I just tried today the newest version.. but how come nothing happens? I mean, when I click the .exe of the game it should give me the usual window when the program is "getting ready" to translate right? But when I do that, nothing happens ç_ç