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So! We just got an update this January. I am now currently working on the first draft for the next three days which will include a free roam day, a plot day, and a romance day. (I currently have the first two days finished. The last one is a big one, especially for Vincenzo.)

According to my outline, we are about the halfway point of Chapter 1! Woo! I'm still uncertain on what to do for Chapter 2... I'm considering on doing a Kickstarter for the funds, but I'm not sure how to work with the logistics.

For the meantime...

My composer, Claira, got the album approved on Spotify! We are currently working on a Bandcamp release.

My programmer, Exodus, is working on an Android and ios port of the current released updates.

While I don't post here a lot, rest assured we're working on it behind the scenes!


Here's some Vincenzo design notes to tide you over:

- Vincenzo is the second tallest character at 6'1"ft. He's the kind of tall where it's mostly legs.

- He smells like milk and vanilla, due to his soaps and lotions. (Objectively the nicest smelling LI, lol.)

- He's very particular about his appearance. His hair is perfect, his clothes are ironed, he wears jewelry and eyeshadow etc.

- The necklace around his neck helps him change his physical sex.

- His mutations are slowly spreading throughout his entire body, threatening to consume him completely. While this can give him a boost in magic and combat, it also threatens to erase his personhood. He can contort these mutations to whatever shape.

- His mutations have the texture of rough, unpolished gemstone, and it's unable to be broken -- he is functionally invincible. The human parts of human are extremely vulnerable, however. (This is how Black was able to get the upper hand on him by targeting his head.)

- Something I make sure not to draw Vincenzo with are substances. Vincenzo is very unstable mentally, and any substance can send him on the brink of something very fast. If you give him a caffeinated soda, he might stab someone.

- I like purple for him because it accentuates his witch-like, otherworldly persona. (The other character with this type of coloration is Morgan.)

- He can grow eyes at will at any part of his body, and they help him perceive the spiritual realm. The different eyes on his face together help him see an overlay of the spiritual and material realm together.

- Not design, but Vincenzo is objectively the most powerful person in this realm by miles.



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