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I'm so sorry I missed updating you guys last month on the progress. My life has been hectic, and my mental health tanked at the end of October, but REST ASSURED, I have no intention of dropping this project, and have been hard at work since our last update.

I'm really, really gunning for an update on either mid or the end of December, but if it gets too busy for me and my programmer, it might be pushed early January. But NOT later, because I can't imagine anything coming up that could delay this, unless something far more urgent happens. 

Progress made so far:

- Finished writing AND editing the next update (we literally just need to code it in)

- Actively reworking the shop code, so you guys can buy things finally in the next update

- 3 backgrounds

- 1 CG

- 4 NPC art

What else do we need to do?

- We're planning on reworking the dialogue box, because I want to be able to put portraits on the side for NPC characters! I want to add as many character portraits as possible, and this is relatively easier to do that something that takes up the whole screen

- 1 detailed background (Asha's bar)

- 1 plain background

- 2 CGs (1 romance for Crux, 1 plot related)

- 3 new outfits for Black, Vincenzo and Crux

- 1 NPC art

What will the next update have?

- 3 in-game days -- 1 romance day, 1 new job day, 1 plot progression

What are the plans for the future?

- After this update, I'm already writing down the WIP for the next one. There will be 1 romance day, plot progression, and a free roaming day, where you can visit the LIs in their houses. One new feature with the free roam, is that you will now be able to give them certain items in your inventory, and unlock unique plots that will only happen if you have given them certain items.

I know we've been lacking updates on the Patreon front, so I'm planning to fix that. I will make up for lack of updates in a Patreon exclusive design notes for all the main LIs, starting with Crux before the end of the month, explaining his color schemes, tattoo choices, body type, and more. I will do this every month until we run out of notable characters, haha.

Thank you guys for the continued support! You are really helping me pay for so much unique things for the game like my programmer, art, music, and fonts. The game is only half as beautiful as it is because of your patronage. <3



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