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a comission  for nsfwfunforall from deviantart

context by himself:

After what was a long school day all Sato wanted to do was relax in his room by himself with no one bothering him, however like many of the strange encounters he had of late with his teacher Kana tonight would be no different as in his room sat his him mom, his little sister and none other than Kana "the dragon" Kojima who was visting his mom since they were old friends, but as the vist continues Sato's mom sees a chance to have some fun with her son and friends and takes the oppertunity to leave the room and the two alone, with nothing but an old photo book and some drinks.

Now there was two things Sato learned that night; the first was that Kana was a light weight and got drunk very very easily this leading to Kana letting her defences down and become a lot more coforting with him and the second thing was she learned of his "special" interests as after talking for some more Kana tells Sato to close his eyes and wait for her to tell him to open them, so not wanting to get on her bad side he agrees to her wishes and then when his told to open his eyes his face goes bright red as Kana was now resting on his bed with not only her bare breasts exporsed, but she was teasing him with her bare and beautiful soles.

So then as Sato stood there not knowing how to react, Kana asks Sato which intests him more her bare breasts or her bare soles and very soon the answer would become very clear to her with Sato's next action

he asked me to work with Kana Kojima from the anime Why the Hell Are You Here, Teacher!?

not often i draw breast, so hope its of your enjoyment

feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy and feel like it.

as always it wil lbe released later

