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comission by bypasser12345 from DA

context by the comissioner:

The stage of the Zubayr Theatre was a home for Nilou. Each day was one of happiness and wonder whenever she danced to the awe of a starstruck crowd. Her only lament was that the show couldn’t last just a little bit longer. Though given her troupe’s current predicament, the curtains might close for good.  Sumeru City jacked up the cost of rent and the theatre wouldn’t have been able to survive for long with its current income. Asking the Akademiya that governed Sumeru was out of the question, given their open hostility towards the Zubayr Theatre. A solution was needed.  By sheer ‘coincidence’ Dori, one of Sumeru’s most esteemed merchants, dropped in on their meeting with a proposition of her own: a tour around the continent. Though enticing, it did make Nilou nervous for she never set foot outside of Sumera City before despite having garnered a bit of reputation in the other nations of Teyvat.   The downside was the travel expenses, which Dori was willing to cover if the Zubayr Theatre agreed to her contract where she skimmed off a great deal of the proceeds and exercised a great deal of control over Nilou, their star performer. Dori’s deal sucked and they all knew it but for the show to go on, she had to agree to it.  Their first stop: Liyue, the nation of contracts and Sumeru’s neighbor. It certainly lived up to the beauty travelers have spoken of and Dori wasted no time getting a good venue thanks to her business connections. The first show in their tour was a resounding success and the sound of roaring applause brought Nilou back to her comfort zone. Oh how she wished she could stay there just a little bit longer.

The sound of Mora clanging together intruded in thoughts shortly after while Dori greedily counted each coin, forming pile after pile as if she wanted to rub it in her face. Curiosity quickly replaced Nilou’s displeasure when a messenger approached them.  Dori recognized the courier as Ganyu, the emissary of Liyue’s wealthiest and arguably most influential person: Ningguang. The Tianquan had summoned Nilou to her personal residence the Jade Chamber, her floating palace above Liyue Harbor.   Nilou didn’t understand how big a deal that really was in Liyue until Dori started bouncing around her like a child on a sugar rush, bombarding her with all sorts of requests the Star of Zubayr Theatre didn’t bother paying attention to.  The Jade Chamber itself was, in Nilou’s opinion, humbler on the inside than outside. Traditional Liyue paintings, wooden floors, nothing that stood out really except Ningguang herself. She provided subtle praise for her performance though it wasn’t why she summoned Nilou. The dancer was stunned by the Tianquan’s accurate observation of her situation just by watching her dance earlier, that the theatre was under Dori’s thumb and Nilou’s heart wasn’t 100% in her performance.

Thus Ningguang made her own proposal, sliding a written agreement towards Nilou. It promised a lot of Mora, more than enough to break out of Dori’s contract and fund their own tour. All Nilou had to do was… actually she didn’t pay attention to that part before signing the dotted line. Ningguang escorted the dancer to a private room within her palace while the ink was still drying on the contract.   This room was certainly…different. There were foreign furniture sets, myriad feathers resting on the top of dressers, ropes, and a stockade? No windows either. There were definitely butterflies flying about in Nilou’s stomach now.  Yet the only thing that provoked a vocal reaction from her was being told to remove her sandals. Eh? She still didn’t get why and the rope Ningguang held in her hands only added to the confusion. Thus it was revealed that the contract Nilou signed stated that the dancer agreed to have her feet be at Ningguang’s mercy for the evening. Ningguang’s usual playmate was out of country and thought Nilou was cute enough to satisfy her needs. Additionally, Nilou wasn’t legally allowed to tell ANYONE about whatever transpired.  Just as she was powerless before Dori, Nilou reluctantly took off her sandals and watched her wrists and ankles were tied. Lust was evident over Ningguang’s face when she kicked off their little fun session with some light tickling.

Nilou never had her feet tickled before. It felt bad at first, giggling uncontrollably while a pervert ran her fingers up and done her bare soles. Yet as the tickling intensified, the sensations coursing up her legs became more…well Nilou couldn’t think of the word but it definitely felt good. Ningguang’s teasing intensified that pleasurable feeling.  Soon fingers were replaced by the feeling of something warm, slimy, and wet on her feet. Ningguang was licking her feet. The most powerful woman in Liyue was willingly and passionately sucking her toes. Even as a part of her told her to be disgusted, Nilou’s enjoyment was evident by her subtle moaning.  Did she just discover something about herself?  The finale of the evening, as Ningguang put it, was what pushed Nilou over the edge. Between the tickling and the licking, she wasn’t prepared for Ningguang’s own immaculate feet pressed on her own, running them on her saliva-covered soles. It tickled, a lot. Yet her heavy breathing, the moans in between her giggling, the signs were all there. Nilou loved having her feet played with.

She was escorted back to the hostel her troupe was staying at shortly after. The Mora would be there first thing in the morning. Suddenly Liyue was a preferred client, with Nilou insisting they do at least one performance while in transit to another nation. And each time, Ningguang presented her with more terms and conditions the dancer would neve read before laughing her worries away.


more genshin gals, this time nilou, hope to do more genshin content soon

feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy and feel like it.

as always it wil lbe released later




The context makes you think there’d be variants as described in the little story. Maybe I’m just imagining. I dunno.