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Not a secret how Rachel and Helena are good friends like how they daugthers are, someone could noticed after a good sigth they are polar opositive in some aspects, one a magic user and the another a pretty sporty lady, and because of that both agreed to keep some rules between them, one of them is when Rachel visit Helena's home, Helena cant cast magic spells herself as long as the wealthy woman is there. Why such a rule exist?, lets say there has being some accidents before.

Today was a special day at Flame's place, it was a double guest day, one for the mother and the another for the daugther, both of them with plans for each one, for the mothers it was gonna be a "talk " about a future project they are planning to do together and for the young ones it was a casual spending time like how they always do.

Nothing out of place happend for a couple of hours, until Eria started to feel curious about why her mom decided to came with her, after all it isnt common for her spend time with her mother, she is always bussy. Ale, used to that just told her that perhaps they were gonna be chatting like normal, that wasnt a satisfactory answer for Eria at all, so she asked if perhaps Miss flames were showing something magical to her mother, something it was inmediatly refused by Ale.

Eria was even more intrigued about what her friend just said, she kindly asked for an explanation, Ale certainly didnt see the big deal of it, and she just mentioned how her mom never uses magic when Rachel is around, she doesnt know the reason but she has never saw her, even never more tends to be out doing chores when Miss Froze visits, something that certainly relax ale a bit, specially today because Ale had a tiresome training session on the morning.

The young Froze then got an idea, but in order to work she had to convince her best friend for that, thankfully she got the perfect excuse some moments ago, the long hair girl inquire more about these "training session" wich inmediatly got replied by the young witch about how her mom got a bit intense on her sessions since some weeks ago, she hasnt being resting well and if it wasnt because she got a visti today, perhaps she would be training today as well, she was quiet bothered while say all of that. Bingo, Eria thougth, inmedtialy she whisper what had in mind to Ale's ears and a grin appeared in her face.

Meanwhile the 2 mothers were takling about a future trip they were planning to do, Helena has being eagerly talking about this with Rachel for a while, but coordinate this kind of things it isnt easy, certainly they money isnt a problem, but get all the people involved have the time for it, thats the problem. Thankfully for Miss flames that was a problem that got solved, Rachel already shceduled a perfect place and everyone already accepted to it. 

And then suddenly, from one moment to another one both were tied, they were so  distracted by their conversation that they didnt realized their daugthers sneak into the room and tied both of them.

Eria sit over Helena and Ale grabbed Rachel's legs and then they proceed to tickle their mother's feet: “AAAHAAAHH NNNOOOOHOOOH NNAHAHAAATT MMIHIIII FEEEHEEET " both of them said, the reason of this was that their daugtehrs started using their fingers, certainly both ladies where so ticklish, perhaps due the age?, who knows, what is true is that the young girls moved all her fingers around the big size 12 soles for a long time, up and down, side to side, certainly there was a lot of room to try many technicques. 

But then the worst part came, the girls started using feathers, "pplleahahsheheheee
iiihhhimmm sssooohooo ttihihihickkllihihihihsshhhh” was the only words they said, if they were laughing hard now they were doing it hardly bad, feathers was so effective to both of them. Feahters on the soles, Feathers on the arches, it didnt matter were, they couldnt control their laught at all neither move away, but when the feather got around their toes they got crazy mad.

Seems like the milfs will have to resume their planning session another time, at least lets hope this makes be nicer with their daugthers.


here we have, the final version for victim box 20

im so sorry for the huge delay in this one.

its the first time i drew them together and i really wanted to do something good for them, i was always afraid aobut dont do something good with them and that is why i didnt made this quicker, im so sorry for that , but i think i got it.

i hope you enjoy this as much as i do 

hope you enjoy this and feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy and feel like it.



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