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I would like to let you know that the laptop i normally work got some problems yesterday, the battery isnt working and becuase of that isnt letting me use it, i got an older laptop to work with but it got some other problems, because how old is it the drivers cant get fully install and that doesnt let me use my drawing tablet to work, thie picture of Albedo, thankfully i worked enougth to had the lineart done before i went to sleep and found the surprise as well as well as i have another sketch done, so the reason why the colors migth looks different its because  i used the mouse of the laptop for that, im sorry for this problem to happen, but until i got new battery i migth not be able to produce anything new, i hope it doesnt take too much  at least i wanted to get you something this weekend and also  let you know my issue



Aw man that's unfortunate and I hope you can get the issues your having sorted out soon but that Albeado pic did look awesome regardless of the issues your having

Miguel Salizar

I'm really sorry for all the technical difficulties you are having and I'm all the more grateful for what you have been able to put out with your limitations now. If you have a GoFundMe page or anything like that set up, let me know. I'd be willing to help pitch in for you to get an upgrade