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i been sick the whole week and i been feeling awful, the thursday i got the results for a covid test and i got positive, so im sorry i been not able to get you stuff in the past days,  but i found the time to work on this picture and have something to show you, besides  im not sure if im gonna have the shades done in the rest of the day, but i will try to have it soon, for now  i hope you enjoy:


same description as before:

I honestly just wanted to do a footsie/sole to sole/ foot comparison sort of picture with those 2, i played xenoblade 2 long time ago and the hype is real now guys uwu

anyways, if you write me i could always come with a context for this ;D


Reviving an old segments of the patreon with a little prelude, the Batle/versus.

I hope you havent forget about it, im planning to do a poll later for this match :^)

hope you enjoy this and feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy and feel like it.

As always there will be an updated version of  this picture later




The colours are looking great dude and I'm sorry to hear that man I hope that it goes away soon 🙏 and take all the time you need to rest up 💚💚💚💚💚


glad you enjoy it, its a little bit but i think is better than keep you guys waiting for something, also there is no time to rest XD i should keep producing


I respect your work ethic and just how hard you grind but don't push yourself too hard dude 💚💚


Oof. COVID Positive? Really sorry to hear that, dude. Hopefully it's all mild and goes away after a bit. Don't push yourself too hard if the virus starts hittin you bad, aight? On a different note, a versus battle and a poll, you say? Exactly what happens with the winner or loser of said poll, hmmmm? :3

Miguel Salizar

Feel better soon man. Take your time to recover. Don't worry about Patreon, yiur health is more important.

Miguel Salizar

This looks great thus far. The expressions really light up with the new colors here. Great work!!


well in case i feel bad enougth i will just rest uwu, thanks for the concern uwu


yeah, just when i thougth it was just a regular flu the pretty first days and then it evolved and later i discoveredi t was covid, i been getting some bad days but now im feeling better. glad you ask for that, i plan to do a versus with those 2 but im gonna explain how is gonna be onces i have the shades done uwu