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Victim box 8's winner was Willow Schnee from RWBY series, and here is the 1st step on the promised picture for your enjoyment guys.

I would like to say i found this particular victim box super funny and astonish at same time, to think willow schnee was gonna be suggest but also end after she just oficially apeared in the 7th volume of RWBY, but also considering that i already worked with Raven and Kalli before is like if you guys were saying me you really wanted to see her done by me, thank you so much for this oportunity.

anyways a little context:

Willow is well know to be merged into her alcoholism making somehow the Schnee family   been leaded by his husband, wich at same time while been a serious business man and strict father made his daugthers and son have some "special " education, making the 2nd daugther of the family looking to study far from her home. Time continued and Weiss returned home after some time out, but while the heiress was away and grown up it seems like Willow never got away of alcohol, something that has always made Weiss feel worried about, but she never got an idea of what to do to help her mom with her problems, "maybe it was a stress matter? that is something common from alcoholic people", was something Weiss always guessed but couldn't confirm due not knowing the full circumstances, but what she knew was a kind of stress relieve method she learned while been with her team mates at academy, who always made her be part of even if she didn't agree, a bit silly but somehow enjoyable that even if she didn't want to admit it made her feel refreshed every single time, a tickling method.

With the plan already decided it was just a matter of find a good opportunity, Weiss was certainly overthinking about the matter,  how was she gonna do it? when? where? and many more questions but the most important  how was she gonna convince her mom? , that last one was a big problem, so in middle of 1 of her walks inside her mansion she saw her mother's bedroom's door open. Something unusual, with a bit of curiosity she sneaked a bit to see if her mom was there, and for her surprise she found a sleepy willow, this wasn't odd at all, Weiss was more than used but this might be a good opportunity to try her method. She came inside her mom's room, closed the door and followed by some preparations all was done to start, but Weiss was a bit nervous, so she closed her own eyes and just lead her hands do the work for her without thinking too much.

as always there will be an updated version of  this picture later

but for now i hope you enjoy this and feel free to leave a comment if you enjoy .



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