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Hello guys, i wish for all of you a happy new year.

i would like to inform about  my activity over here for the future: 

im uncapable to draw right now.

i honestly have 2 major reasons for this: 

1st one, my digital tablet isnt just working at all, i just bought a new one recently because the one used before was so old and i wanted an update and then that tablet isnt working, neither the old one, im still unsure what exactly is happening since i been trying a lot of things like install and unistall drivers and such and isnt working, so i been getting to the conclusion that the only last methode i have now is just format my computer and see if that fix it, but then to do that i just wought an external HDD to save my files and have everything back later, but that might take a bit of time to get at my place, so if that works fine i will be drawing back in maybe a week , but then this is a 50% of fixing the problem, so my another solution is just get another new PC, if worst come then the period of lack of art from my part will get increased.

2nd reason, i mentioned before in a journal at DA that i was gonna start intership past year, and that was right but for some reason i had to leave and i got delayed until this year, wich means i have just started what will be 1 year working on the hospital as a doctor in practice to get a requisit to turn into an actual doctor, and that explain now the actual reason that is that im having a hard schedule right now, for the next 4 months the time i have to spend at hopsital are from 6 am - 3 pm, but each 4 days i have to remain on hospital and leave it next day, this is called a " guard " and this schedule aplies in weekends as well so with this might time to draw get shrinked significantly, i have free time but i cant completly use it to draw since i have to do homework, study and sleep.

and with all of these explain i actually will try to find time to draw and post stuff either here or in DA, but i just wanted to let you know things arent gonna be the same and honestly im just sad for this, i know i have a lot to finish for you guys and im so sad im not capable to meet the expectation, all of you have been so nice with me for all the time you have been supporting me and honestly i owe you a lot , you are so kind and im so sorry.

i just wanted to inform you about this, if you read this and want to leave my patreon i will totally understand it, actually i would prefer if you do so than keep giving you promising and taking your money, but if you dont want to leave the patreon at least, can you pause your pledge? so that way you dont keep getting charge.

i have more to inform you about my patreon after at least my drawing tablet problem get solved but until know Thank you so much for read this update


Miguel Salizar

Don't worry man. We are all here for you. You don't need to worry about making deadlines here. Do what you need to do first and comeback whenever its convenient. We got you.