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what's this? the previous sketch got a full color piece? where is satsuki one? to answer that, the poll i did months ago involving those 2 kill la kill girls had a secret easter egg, while the poll was to decide who was gonna tickle the another it has the porpouse to choose wich one will get a full color piece too, so you get a dose of both girls in colors :^).

btw this is gonna apear in other websites later

hope you like it

same description as before:

¡ Matoi Ryuko Shows determination througt her feet ! 

and of course there it was gonna be something with Matoi as well hue hue

Another idea i got thanks to the recent released of the 3D fighting game kill la kill IF, onces again i was looking to work with her for a while so this was an oportunity i couldnt miss.

If you wonder why i posted satsuki before ryouko is because the protagonist of the game is satsuki.

more to come 

Hope you enjoy this for now 
