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Second variant of the anoucned ones. Same description as before but ...

The mighty Raven got captured and tied what a position for the leader of a group of bandits and what is worst is that it seems to be at her own place? i wonder what is gonna be happening to her and who is behind such act, something impressive certainly but what we can be sure right now is that Raven is really really pissed off.

 seems like the one that captured Raven was Yang all this time, maybe she is trying to convince her to something for her, again, wonder what is inside of this blonde girl thoguht right now it seems like she is testing her moms feet? more to see...

After small test ended she decided to do another one, 1st one was to know the softness of the pair of feet she is just going to work with and 2nd one to know the taste?, interesting way to evaluate your prisioner, what is sure is that Raven is having a hard time dealing with this....




Aw hell yeah, boi! This is just getting better and better by the minute. This one is my favorite of the two currently posted by far. Can’t wait to see what comes next!


Your previous wish was heard and done uwu im glad you enjoyed so far i got so much fun doing this one


Raven is simply making up for lost time. This is just how Yang wants to get closer to her.


I'm glad you had so much fun doing this! :D This was definitely what I wished for. I love it quite a bit. X3