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As the tittle says i have some changes in mind i want to do for  my patreon for a time, as you know i try to come with exclusive content month to month for every single of you it honestly bring me a chance to work in my own ideas as well as listen yours and share them here, wich i do enjoy but at same it been giving me less time to work in other projects or pictures like comissions, so what i want to come with this little update is that i would like to ask for time to work in the other projects and comissions i have to finish, wich means i will not be capable to do exclusive content for patreon that much as i tend to do  (i will do it sporadically few times, not often) and instead i will be doing early acess for all the comissions i have left to do, you will see progress of them and see them days before post them on DA until i finish all of them, of course i will finish all i been posting recently and also what i been owing all of you for some time already, the tiers will be working the same but adapted to those early acess. victim box might come again onces i reduce my pendants.

for now that is all, thanks for read.


Miguel Salizar

Do what you gotta do man. We'll be here. Its always worth the wait to see what you make.