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Hello people, i been thinking for a while and i would like to anounce some changes i want to do here.

1st one, the picture that turn from sketch to full color pictures will be posted on DA, not inmediatly but one by one, so you can say its some kind of early access to those (Around 8 months ) and also you will be keep able to decide wich sketch transform into a full color picture. (will be starting to aply this change this month)

2nd change : Sketches raffles will be gone, but not everything about news is bitter, for this last month im planning to do 4 raffles instead of 1 so everyone get highers chances to get a sketch this month also as a little rule if you win onces you will not be able to participate in any other of the remain onces.

3rd change: next month i will be creating a new tier for 15 usd with a limited amount of pledges where people will be able to request me 1 sketch per month and also will get some discount at comissions, this will be done at 30th of this month at 11:59 pm my time zone.

And here we are, those are the changes i want to do, if you dont like the idea and you want to stop pledging becuse of this i will understand and also i would like to thank you for the support you give me all this time, it really helped me a lot


Miguel Salizar

Zounds like a fair trade. I will definitely be joining that $15 tier. Good luck with all your work dude.


I'm interested in the $15 tier as well.