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I occasionally get asked how I write comics. I usually answer with something very unsatisfyingly generic ("you know, I just go for a walk and see what I come up with") or give a joke answer ("I steal everything from family circus") 

The truth is that it always changes. Sometimes I write down a small funny premise, and then we build it up. Sometimes I come up with a final punchline and then we fill it out. But the most fun way is when Marissa and I just talk about different melodramatic concepts, and then I ramble for a few minutes,  improvising a whole comic top to bottom.

These ideas generally still need a lot of fine-tuning in the script/layout process, but there's something fun about the diamond in the rough that is these "story sessions".  And wouldn't you know it, we infrequently record these when we're too lazy to write as we talk. Which is what is attached right up there.

If you wanna see more of these let me know. I've got a couple more sitting around. And might start recording more frequently.

Also, this is a particularly weird one. It may or may not become a full comic. I really gotta put it on the page to see how it'll work as a comic


Steven Ray

Omg, you’ve got to play this back at 1.5 or 1.75 speed. Her laugh just gets funnier