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You may've noticed that I've been doing a lot of redraws lately, so I wanted to give a quick update. 

This won't last forever! I'll be posting more brand new comics, as per usual. But until the new year, I'll be interspersing with more redraws than usual.

Part of this is because I'm pretty worn out with all my other work (animation day job, commissions side gig, personal projects I almost never work on, etc). I need to take a little step back to breathe, and not spend too much of my free time just thinking of comics.

But also, there are quite a few old comics that look ok, but have shitty layout that I want to fix. AND some of them flew under the radar, so I wanna get more eyes on them.

If you've got any concerns, questions or ideas, leave a comment or shoot me a message!





You should regularly bring back the one with the dude standing off with a penguin

Neil Kohney

you know, that one really deserves to be a more fleshed out comics. it's one of the first real comics I drew back in high school; its legacy deserves to live on


It's literally perfect to me. I love it! I love what's left to the imagination