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Hi guys, this is going to be a pretty long post so I'm sorry in advance ^^

As the title says, Some mistakes were made on my part and I've been meaning to fix it for a while. As you all know I made some changes recently to my patreon where I included new tiers. The thing is, I love merchandise. I love designing them, getting them made and having people buy them. It's exciting and fulfilling, but I've come to the conclusion that I'm just not ready for that yet. 

It feels as though I'm giving up but I'm not. I'm just trying to be honest with myself and my current status. I have been struggling for a while with own issues and it's been hard to keep up, and by not keeping up I feel I'm failing my patrons, you. And it's an awful feeling so I decided that even though I try to be confident and try to be organized and keep everything in order, nothing is. 

I've been struggling very badly in remembering things, health-wise I just keep going backwards instead of forward and adding the stress of it all to it is not helping me, So I'll be closing the sticker tier for now. I will still try to make a few but not as rewards since it's been so hard to keep up with the monthly deadline. I will possibly try to sell them in an online page if I can, and of course you will be the first to know if I do and have dibs on them if you're interested. But otherwise the only physical item I'll try to have as rewards is the hand-drawn print. 

Content wise I have been very blocked, very stuck trying to think and choose what to do, but nothing I tried helped. I used to be very happy when working with art, but lately it has all felt like a punishment instead. That has led me to tight deadlines, commissions have been extremely delayed, my own work has been affected and I have been trying really hard to find a way of getting.... unstuck if you will. So I want to give myself some space without having to stop drawing and will try to just work at a different pace with different ideas. I want to keep working on tpatp, and I also want to try to go back to working on my own stories along with just things I generally like. 

So all in all, my plan is to see what comes out of this, one drawing at a time. I'm sorry for dragging you all go through this rollercoaster with me. I know it's not the content you signed up for and I understand when you leave because of it. 

Thank you for the constant support no matter what's happened and if you have any thoughts just comment below, I honestly appreciate hearing from you all.

I want to post a few things I've been working on for this month, let's cross our fingers and hope I finish them soon;; Take care guys <3


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