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I've been insanely busy on the holidays. My art side of life has been a bit neglected for life reasons and working on single sketches has turned into an almost impossible task because of all the art block and stress I've had.

Just to explain a bit; Forcing myself to work doesn't actually help and it only makes things worse. I've tried working through it, finding something that motivates or moves me. And it didn't work.

The deadline for a commission was coming up and it was physically impossible for me to work on it no matter what I did.

I can't say it's something permanent or fleeting but, I went through my father's books. And looking over the things he made while he was alive made me feel melancholic.. you see, he was a painter. A carver. A stained glass Artist as well as a collector. And this commission I had was actually stained glass. I used to work with him as a kid, I would always be amazed and full of awe at how beautiful the glasswork would be.

I don't want to make this longer than it should be but, looking at my father's work and just the memory of how much I loved it all actually gave me that push and well, those pieces above are the finished product. I still feel I could've done more with them, more with the design. But I can't help but feel a tiny bit proud.

I hope you guys like them! I know I do ^^

We are starting a new year and I want to do my best to make this year a more.... I won't say productive.. More fulfilling?

I want to post a lot more than I have been able to. I already have a lot of wips that have been abandoned for too long and commissions that need to be finished along with finally being able to deliver the stickers.

Mentally, emotionally and physically, everything has been draining up until now. My bones are extremely weary today but I hope to make 'em dance even if all I've got are, in fact, bones.

As always my dear patrons, thank you. I fail to express it often but you guys are one of the main reasons I stay afloat.



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