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Aaaaaalrighty, so this week has been very long for me.

You see that cutie up there? That's Lola, one of my doggos. She sadly died last week and I also got very sick which made the week unbearable in many ways. Just today I began FINALLY feeling better. I think everything I've been dealing with took it's toll on my body and left me drained.

I want to work on a lot of things but I don't want to strain myself too much and get sick again. But stuff will get uploaded so don't worry! I hope you're all doing well, and a million thanks for sticking around ^^



Sam Sussman

I'm very sorry for your loss, it's always difficult to lose a pet. Especially getting sick on top of that. Remember to take it as easy as you need to!

Theo Jakiemów

I know how hard it is to lose a household member. Maybe they don't speak our language fluently, but they know how to make us feel appreciated.