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Hey guys! It's.... 11:02 pm right now and I have just managed to sit down and try to take a moment to breathe.

Today has been a very eventful day and not in the most positive way might I add.

My computer, it's not 2000s kind of old but, it's old. I've sadly haven't been able to afford an upgrade for a new computer and today the worst thing that could've happened, happened.

My computer downloaded (without my approval, mind you.) an update that wasn't compatible with it. (Which begs the question of "Why update something if it's not even compatible in the first place?! Thank you Windows!) And it ended up corrupting 97% of my computer files, folders and programs. After a very exhausting day of trying to reach my hidden folders and files. I barely managed to recover enough to feel successful.

I had to factory restore it for it to even work well... I hadn't been able to make some recent backups of my things because of time and personal issues. In part it's my fault for not doing so.... but I've arrived to this conclusion, right now. Sitting here in the corner of my room, writing on my phone so I could update you all as to why I haven't updated anything or anyone.

Commission files, work related files, personal files, patreon files. They were all either corrupted or deleted. I am honestly at a loss for words. And I have wasted enough time between regret, self-pity with an extra pinch of depression added to it.

I'm sorry because I'll probably take a bit longer to update because I'll have to do some things again... from 0. I only ask a little bit of patience from you guys. Hopefully I get this computer running again so I can work. I'll update you all once there are changes...


Tamara Vann

Is there anything we patrons can do to help?

Theo Jakiemów

You know we all trust and worship you, eh, worship your art, ;-).