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  • Momo - 05A (Original).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (No Speech).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 01).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 03).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 04).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 05).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 02).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 06).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 07).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 08).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 11).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 09).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 12).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 10).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 13).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 14).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 15).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 16).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 19).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 20).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 21).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 17).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 18).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 22).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 23).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 25).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 26).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 27).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 28).mp4
  • Momo - 05A (Extra 24).mp4



Trying too much things at the same time, really thanks for your patience..!

This part of story is too long, so I'll release the 05B later. It suppose to be relatively shorter.. (I'm making it as long one again...)

I may make more Momo with different characters in the future, or you guys like Momo x Tenchoiu more~? Thank you very much~!

For KK User:

  • This time I have used bone scale for boobs & butt that dominate the size of them even after character replaced. You can disable them by searching "Scale", then untick all of them ( siri / bust / bnip ). Then go to that character's KKPE -> Adv. mode -> Bones -> (Search the name as same as Timeline that you have unticked) -> Reset Scale (Their name should be turned from purple to white).
  • All the camera angles are saved in the Workspace -> Extra Camera. Further that, those cameras can't change the FoV & zoom. You need to change it by youself, but you need to disable the Timeline -> Camera FoV/Zoom first.
  • You can disable/delete the changing of lighting & Blur between different phases by Untick: Timeline ->(Vision Setting + Black Screen) -> (Enabled Blur) or just delete the file Workspace -> Vision Setting

1 Scene Data &  3 Character Cards (In KK user zip file), 30 videos are below:




Momo! Momo! Lovely momo~~!!


If more time means new or better animations, or you got to use more tools to create awesome animations than I’m all for it(*¯︶¯*)


Thank you so much..! I would prefer spending time on the animation itself, but sadly so much time wasted on unpredictable technical problems :(


I love Momo! Please keep making more!

anne anne

If not Tenchou, I like Momo with VIP-san. Or some other old guy.


I loaded the scene to see in the studio but I get that I need certain mods. Does anyone know how I can solve that? I get a black background and sometimes the character seems bugged / the animation is great, the momo is good


Hello~ Please make sure you got all the same game version/mods from my list in my "About". Also sometime players may forget to update all the plugins such as Timeline~ Please make sure they're the latest~ Thank you~!