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  • Asuna 03 Full.mp4
  • Asuna 03 Full (Extra 01).mp4
  • Asuna 03 Full (Extra 02).mp4
  • Asuna 03 Full (Extra 03).mp4
  • Asuna 03 (Extra 04).mp4
  • Asuna 03 (Extra 05).mp4



**Those thumbnails are just sample, Please download all the videos below~!**

This time is the cake's special, I took lots of effort on her pussy.. (I got the super zoned in video so don't worry) I hope you guys like it~!

**There is also an extra video of a secret about Kirito, I think you guys could get it obviously**

For KK users: This time I also use the basic aniamtions as base. But if you wanna replace other charcater on this scene, please make sure your characters have Better Penetration parts for the scene functionable. (Make them in the KK game but not change them in Studio) Otherwise the pussy won't work as video shown.

There are so many angles I wanna show to you guys but it'll getting endlessly.. So it's better to get your own game and play it~! lol

Scene Data, 1 original & 5 more Extra videos are below:




Hi,is it possible to get a link for the male genital seems to be not working as i dont have the mod, thanks :)


I'm afraid I don't have the individual mod of this, it should be included in the whole BetterRepack game. I'm sorry about that.

Billy Cheng

hello, I just found your amazing video of asuna and thus subscribed you! Your model, colour tone and lighting are great. For the animation, I think the thrusting is a bit rush or not so smooth, to improve, you might can see if some frames can be added to show more fine details of acceleration and deceleration of thrusting.


Thanks for your support & message~! I'm still trying to do better on thursting details. The two characters are doing different patterns of movements at the same time. As a KK user it would be way easier if I make way more simple movements to match each other or even blocked the thursting angles. But I would like to try to make a complex one and even show closely~ Either I have to do better or find a mod that can auto match parts more perfectly.. I'm appreciate of your comment..! Thanks again~