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  • Witch 02 - Extra 01.mp4
  • Witch 02 - Full.mp4



**The thumbnail is EXTRA video, not the main one. The main video is too large so I upload some cutscenes on thumbnail. I'll try to upload the video later..! Also I may update this post for more extra contents but I can't promise I would make it.. which depends on how many time I'll get..!

This one is the longest I have ever made by now.. I should have divided it into 2 parts and release them earlier... but you know... I wanna challenge myself the Timeline as well.. But at what cost... Timeline is buggy as hell....

Sorry for the late post, I have been suffer those Timeline bugs that keep deleting my keyframes with no reason at all.. Also the KK default aniamtions are all messed up after a scene cycle. Although not all of my followers are using KK, I won't release something that can't be loaded by you guys. I spent most of the time to find alternative ways to keep on going.

For the scene, I have no other choice but separate 3 phases with 3 sets of characters. So you will find why there are 3 Witches and 3 Goblin in the Scene Data. At least it's playable.. LOL

I'll avoid any game's internal conflicts in the future.. Unless I didn't find them out at the first place.. That means maybe I'll make something that less complex or shorter length of video, but will keep up the quality as always..! (I keep saying that but the videos are getting longer & longer....)

Enough of my grumbling.. Goblin Helper at least will have one more part. I know people really like this series, I'll keep it on if this one and the next one are still well received..! Thank you very much~!!

Scene Data, Uncensor Videos & Sample Pictures are below:




the cover is animated ? I can't find the SD for the cover.

凯 陈

I really like it, please come with more.

雨 濁

I will stay here to wait your update. Thank you for your brilliant works!


Sorry for the late update..! Those KK issues are killing me.. New post will be released today~!