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We're excited to give you beta access to SU:Themyscira, though it's important to note that this version is still in development. The current release lacks a complete ending and full Patreon exclusive content, which we are actively working on. Our goal is to have everything finalized by the end of April for the public release.

This project marks a new direction for Gunsmoke Games, aiming to shift expectations and focus more on narrative depth over previous content norms. We're committed to supporting this and future releases with prompt updates and additional content to enrich the story.

Thank you for joining us on this journey and for your invaluable feedback during this beta phase.


Mac OS






Thanks for the early access!

Mikkel frost møller

sorry about asking but when will the next update of the full game come out im hoping for tommorow


Wow a new Game interesting 🤔!


The Unity version has not been tested at all. It will take a little time to get cleaned up. Tomorrow is not possible. It should be out in March, and hopefully early in the month.

DJ Quinn

So is this the event sectioned off as it's own file or the main game retitled while focus is on this event?


Wait is the Patreon exclusive content coming tomorrow or in April? Just wanted to clarify haha. Either way excited to dive in!!


So, is there not a release tomorrow?


This is a Patreon Exclusive Beta. However when we do the full launch there will be sections that are greyed out for the public, and only available to Patrons. Additional content will all be Patreon exclusive.


So is this a separate game from the normal Something Unlimited? Like a spin-off?


When are you going to start addressing some of the content for the main game that hasn't been updated? Nyssa Al Ghul was added last year but hasn't been mentioned at all. Catwoman has been in the game for what 4? 5 years? And has never gotten a single scene. It's hard to get excited for new characters when existing ones are just left to rot.


We have addressed it several times. We have plans for that content and will announce something in the summer. If you play this you might get an idea on how we intend on accomplishing it.


Since it’s now treated as its own game/ event does that mean it will require a complete restart. Also what about Dianna previously needing to be sent to Themyscerra is she just there now?


I’m nowhere near a PC atm so I can’t check, but am I to understand that this is a separate game from SU now?


Not really good enough for me. I wish you guys the best but as someone who has been supporting you for years I'm tired of seeing new stuff no one asked for added on while existing works remain unfinished. March 1st I will be canceling my subscription going forward. If a full complete version is ever available fof purchase in the future I'll be first in line to buy it. But I'm tired of paying for countless pointless events while never seeing the content that was teased years ago finished. this event repack is kind of the last straw for me. I feel like you guys have put way too much focus on these events and not enough on progressing the state of the main game.

Mikkel frost møller

well ok but i would kinda wish i knew that so i could play it fast and download the last version since im using a new laptop


very cool of you to drop the beta! can’t wait for the full release


We really pushed to get that out. Unfortunately the ending needs a few more weeks, and the Patreon exclusive content on launch needs to be more.


You can download this on Android if you really can't wait. But it's separate from SU. But SU (big game) will eventually have all this content in it.


Yes, this will be a restart. But we're hoping saves carry over moving forward with these stand alones.


The events are the future of SU. The old content is in a place that is almost impossible to go back and add to. So us learning a new team environment, which will allow us to address old content in a more efficient manner is what we're intending on doing. I wish you the best and thanks for the support.


Even still in my opinion you could find a better means of doing events. We are getting a themyscira event with avatar characters such as Katara and Korra but there's been no Wonder Woman content in it. We have a gotham event with Killer Frost and Artemis but we still don't have a single catwoman scene in the game I bought into this game as a way of seeing some of my favorite characters from the DC universe but you guy's would rather pull characters from other franchises than make content for the characters we came to see. It feels like at this point you guys are going out of your way to create content for everything but the characters people might want to see. Good luck with future updates and thanks for taking the time to read my post. Good bye.

Don Henley

Digging the release and the updates! I've noticed the panning is a tad bit fast on certain scenes, not sure if that was intended on this version. Were we also going to get any Donna and Cassie scenes in the future?


lol, I’m on iOS. No worries, I can check it out when I get home.


Does this mean you’ll do the same for the Gotham, Kasnia, or Yacht Events?


Thanks! This is a beta and every bit of feedback helps as we have never done something like this previously. As for content, we need an ending, and certain areas need content 100% (most of what you see is going to be public). Afterwards we will have a series of updates to content, that will come out. Some might be major updates (like this one). Others might be minor (in off months). We're going to be planning all that out in the next few weeks.


After playing this update one thing I’d really like, is if we can transfer // add Cassie and Donna to the Island. They’re seen being brought at the beginning. I also think it’d be extremely good, if we can add the Cell scenes (just the sex acts not all the progression of story content. The exact same scenes) of those characters to “new” cells on the Island.

jose hernandez

YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PORNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WITH MY COCOCOOCOCCAINE!!!!!!!!


Sorry for writing three comments. But I can see why you might be moving this direction. 1. No issues downloading / playing on Mac. 2. Absolutely smooth playing, no bugs, extremely fast transitions. 3. Small download. If this is the future of SU I don’t think it’s a bad thing.


Love that it was pushed back then released early lmao.

Veteran of the Mushroom Wars

I do have to agree with a few other's who've expressed that this direction seems problematic in terms of getting a real, full game. I do like the events, they're interesting and dynamic, and assuming that you can reasonably quickly merge them into the core SU it probably really will make the game better, but it also feels like you're spinning the game out into an "eternal development" by not buckling down, sucking it up and finishing work on existing characters. Tedious maybe, but necessary work.

Joey Wheeler

How do we know If we've finished the game?


Is this the update as described in the last two "teaser" posts?


Hi all. How this beta works? I must play from the begining?


To finish up old characters and "complete" the game means we have to work within the current Unity edition. Instead we have decided to take this event and create a small game package that is a complete narrative. We fully intend to go back and flush out and finish all the old content. However we need to get creative on how that is accomplished. I hope you can see within this stand alone the answer might be apparent.


Hi. I'm playing through the Beta now - I really like the new material. I completely understand that as the game gets bigger, it becomes more difficult to keep it running smoothly. If the events become standalone - cool, I'm excited to see where it goes. I do have a more specific question regarding some of the original Bordello/character material (sorry if I'm adding to the bombardment). Are there any plans to complete the meta bordello library for the existing roster of characters? There are a few characters who don't have a Private Room or Exhibition scene at the Meta Bordello (WW, Cassie etc.) and since it's going beck a ways in the development, I wanted to check if it was anywhere on your radar? Looking forward to future releases!


Man, gotta say. Really into the idea of releasing stories a la carte in the SU style. I absolutely understand ppl wanting a full one time game, but like......already seeing yall play w renpy is very cool to see. I do want to second the panning speeds-- very fast for the Blacksmith Pallas' intro (for example.) could be slower to rly appreciate the art we're seein; or some sort of gallery in the future where we can pan at our own speed or something. I am curious how hard it was to port over the themescyira event into Renpy? Because to port it all over in the amount of time you did is so commendable. Do you think we'd ever get sound for scenes? Its exciting to see how SU has evolved over the years. Whatever happens moving forward; I would love to see the "updated" take on the Meta Bordello/SuperHarem main arc in Renpy. But that's just dreaming big. Hope yall are enjoying the new workflow and I'm STOKED for future releases.


I agree with the others who asked about Donna/Troy. Also, any particular reason why you have the players re-dominate Wonder Woman? Narratively speaking wouldn't she still be fully controlled by Lex?


Due to the continuous nature of the development, and it being done by a singular person, change was necessary to avoid burnout. For instance 2 years of cell content destroyed SR7s desire to do more cell content. Then a year of MB was just the icing on the cake. With these stand alones, he's excited to get creating again. So if we can come up with a good solution (which I think we have), going back and flushing content is probably closer on the radar than it was months ago.


Thanks for seeing this for what it was supposed to be. There is a simplicity for the player when the game is in a singular package, but it comes with negative impacts on development. But there is tons of media that doesn't come in singular packages. Movie sequels and trilogies, comics, novel series, tv shows, etc. If we can create an a la carte experience new players and old get everything they want. I have noted the panning speed, and really do appreciate the feedback. We were worried about the beta, and not hitting a target. But really this has helped us when releasing the full public version. I can't make official announcements but you're pretty on point with how we can go back and see "updated" takes on MB content.


Thanks for the suggestion. As for the narrative. We built this with new players in mind, not old. So if someone stumbles on this for the first time we wanted them to get a full experience. This is the way these a la carte events have to be done. This way new players get the experience, and old players can still enjoy the content as well.


Cool! Totally understand the burnout. I'm glad there's a chance to mix it up with new content (both because the new content's great and even better if it means the folks behind the scenes are having fun too). Thanks for replying - looking forward to whatever comes next!


Amazing update! The art is gorgeous. I'm new to renpy but starting to like it a lot more than unity especially the back button if you make a mistake. Can't wait for more

john henry thelin

I made it all the way to sex scenes with Grail. Is that the end of the beta version?


I’m not entirely up to date with everything going on… should really pay more attention IG XD… but this is separate to Something Unlimited right?


Will the whole of SU be put into renpy? Or is it just for builds like these?


We're breaking off parts of SU, starting with this event. The content from this will be incorporated into SU.


Ah okay… is that Gotham event also being broken off or… sorry for asking dumb questions, I’m just so behind. I’ve been supporting but too busy to actually play. Which sucks cause I’m making my own little guide thing for fun.


The whole of SU won't be a ren'py rebuild. But we will have events and other things from SU moved over to ren'py and we will flush the narrative as well.


totally into the idea of small side adventures like this. keep up the good work

Matthew Christie (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 08:57:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?
2024-03-29 08:57:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?
2024-03-29 08:57:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?
2024-03-29 08:57:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?
2024-03-29 08:57:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?
2024-03-29 08:57:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?
2024-03-29 08:57:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?
2024-03-29 08:57:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?
2024-03-29 08:57:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?
2024-03-29 08:57:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?
2024-03-07 01:14:39 so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?

so will this eventually be added to the unity build of SU or will it remain a standalone only for Ren"py?

Frédérick Samson

By the way, I think the Amazons deserve to be humiliated with dickslap... It would be a new way to humiliate them.!!! Nude crawl wlak in public cat be good too !!!


Superb. Think i just finished it. Cant wait for the full release !


Loved the avatar cameos lol


the game is great, thank you! please add more content with Nubia and Peng


I think im miss understanding whats happing to SU? is all the old stuff getting trashed? and this is the new game going forward? or will SU still be worked on like characters, outfits etc?

Frédérick Samson

SU : Themyscira bêta est en effet génial, merci les gars!!!!

Frédérick Samson

Est-il toutefois possible de sortir un peu des images "Strip, suck, fuck et etc". pour des scènes parfois un peu plus humilante : forced orgasme on sybian avec un facial, parler avec un pénis de Lutor dans la bouche pour "remercier"... ?


And the main game will get updated with the event?


I think this is a good new release strategy. 1 month release a stand alone that tests ideas, the next upload a full update for the main game. I look forward to seeing how this help stem the update wait time.

james melvin ellis

did anyone else kinda like being able to save?


Will this be a location of interest on the map or will it be strictly an event?

Gundam lupus

shame no change log