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We're now just two weeks away from our anticipated release on February 29th, and the excitement within our team is high. We've been working tirelessly to wrap up the final touches on the event. I'm thrilled to report that all the artwork is complete, and we're currently finalizing the writing. Next up, we'll focus on thorough testing and polishing to ensure a smooth launch.

What to Expect

As the release draws near, we want to set clear expectations for what's to come. Our upcoming release will deliver a complete story, from beginning to end. While we're still deciding on the specifics of what will be made public, rest assured that it will include the full narrative. The Patreon-exclusive version will feature additional characters and areas for you to explore, enhancing your experience. This version will be available on PC, MacOS, and Android. The public version will be accessible on PC, MacOS, Android, and Web (via Newgrounds).

We're committed to addressing any bugs swiftly during the launch week. Although our goal is to offer a bug-free game, achieving this can be challenging with a limited testing team. Please note that the initial release will not include music or sound effects. However, we plan to commission custom soundtracks and soundscapes for the standalone version post-launch, which will be exclusive to it.

Our team is eager to share this event with you and the broader community. It represents a new benchmark in content delivery and sets high expectations, which we're determined to meet and surpass.

Teasers and Announcements

Keep an eye out for teasers starting on February 26th, followed by another on February 28th. During these teasers, we'll announce the exact delivery time in UTC to ensure everyone can enjoy the release simultaneously.

Thank you immensely for your ongoing support. We're excited to bring this project to life and share it with you all!

The Gunsmoke Games Team


Lucas Mascena

I recommend looking for soundtracks and soundscapes that match the environment and its theme. I say this because there are a lot of games that use an electric sound that doesn't match.

Lucas Mascena

The part from beginning to end was what interested me most, a narrative advance always excites me a lot. I hope it's a success and you do other events too. For example, Kasnia doesn't seem as big to me as Themyscira in terms of narrative, but it would be a good separate game too.


The unfortunate issue with continuous development is that, it leads to unpolished content due to the need of producing more/fresh content regularly. There has been zero breaks in 8.5 years on the platform. Being able to go back, flush out the content, then potentially expand on it is very very exciting to us. The execution of this year, will set us up for an ever expanding set of these smaller stand alones, which will allow for more content to you guys.