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As Lex continues to interact with friend and foe alike, many hands cross his path. Some mean him harm where as others... are mighty thankful.   Emmylou is one of a few characters who bask in dark air of Gotham City. Lex will need said hands when far more danger approaches.  SU is about to launch another wondrous update. Bring a hearty appetite because there is PLENTY to indulge in. Emmylou will make sure of it.




It took me awhile to find Red Claw, her section was off on the far side, almost off the screen. Just like Not-Korra's forge.


so do I like to reinstall; the game does it auto update and just have to get there. or export my save to a new one. if so how do. basically, how do I get the current version of the game without losing all my progress?


So where is the link for the update?

Victor Lewis

you need to wait until tomorrow if were lucky and there are minimal bug the end of the week if there are a lot of bugs.


I never knew who Emmylou was until I played this game, and then did a quick google search. Oh man, she is hot. I can't wait to fuck her juggs! 😍

Jeffrey Lane

I had to do the same, though to be fair, it has been quite a while since I've seen Batman TAS. (^_^)


when is update