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 We are using mail chimp for the first time.  The email might be in your spam folder.  Also for compliance reasons the links have trackers attached so that we can track engagement.  These links are safe!  If you have any questions please message SmokeShank on discord, or in this post.  

here is a invite to discord : https://discord.gg/38pEx3d




"Did you wash your hands?" "No, because I'm evil."


I am so sorry to be a bother but could you re send the email to me. I didn't get it for some reason. Thank you and keep up the great work!


got mine! thanks!! look forward to playing it.


I didn't receive a copy. the game, while I did pledge at the beginning of the month and the month before.


Is there like a master/cumulative changlog list that can be sent out or added? I've missed a few and I realized there's probably a good chunk of content I haven't seen because I haven't revisited it (eg just saw a bunch of specials got added I didn't know about) Amazing as always, thanks!

alex baker

could someone explain the portraits, what they are how to get them?

Jonathan Heard

do you have to start a new game to capture artemis


can i export my save? if yes How?


Nice update! Don't know if you're really open to requests, but will we getting expansions to the existing characters soon? I feels like you're forever adding new characters, which is nice, but it seems like Mercy/Harley/Lois/Roulette have been stuck on blowjobs at the most for ages.


So no raven tits this update sad


Checked both regular inbox and spam, did not see email for updated game.

Tim The Enchanter

Same, I haven't had an email about the game in months. Just use the link on Discord instead


Has anyone found the SportsMaster content?

Knight Chaos23guard

i have Problem with chesire. everytime i go to lexcorp i get her Event to capture. should i send you my savegame?


has anyone gotten Artemis to strip yet

Tyler Cormier

how do you get portraits


The only strip available for her in this version is the Glamour Slam one ;)


I kind of agree. Perhaps future updates should have a (better) balance between unlocking new stuff for old characters and introducing new characters?


Ok, so here goes my review of this version... *SPOILERS* Artemis in schoolgril uniform *_________* (chances seeing Barbara in hers increasing 8) ) Anyway, as announced it was a small build relating to direct content, with also stuff added backstage which are invisible right now but should payoff in future versions. I still like how you make the effort to give different personnalities (and therefore behaviors) to each of the captives. I was persuaded Artemis would be captured in an attempt to free Cheshire, so I kept looking in the wrong place in order to get her ^^;; So this is funny right now that both sisters don't know the other one is also captured ^^ It will probably be played in a future plot. Loved also the typical "bad father" reaction of Sportsmaster, totally in-characters again. I'm sure next month will be pretty dawn rewarding. Good work, guys!


Portraits are generally just the sprites used when characters discuss between each other. If you are talking about Sportsmaster, just go in the Glamour Slam sometimes after having captured Artemis and have already used her as as a dancer for the Slam.


Great work as always. But not much is moving forward with existing characters, and that is a pitty. Im sorry to say but I lack the progress in the game. It's actually better to just pladge like every four months. Sorry to say. I wonder what is the reason for it, becouse You have created one of most if not the most promissing story line in this kind of games on patreon. You can esely mine it for years to come, regardless of the amount of content added every month. And again sorry to say you are light years behind in that regard from at least one creator that I support. I will continue to support regardless because I think You are still in a process of spreading wings, and flood Us all in time with constantly bigger and bigger updates. Like I've said You have a story line with enormous potential to grow for years. And if You ever feel dry on ideas then from what ive seen on discort- you have like TONS of supporters to help 😊 keep up the great job, but for the love of beer- push the existing story line and existing events. Every one will tell you - if You are waiting four months for a good blow from a new girl...something is not wright 😉 best regards 😊

Saturday morning!

It has been what, a few YEARS now since this project began? The meta-bordello that seemed to be the point at the beginning still doesn't have anything for us to do in it. I admit I much prefer the individual cells in Lexcorp for the one-on-one story based interaction with the heroines, with Lex slowly toying with them and using them for his own personal pleasure. (What I was hoping for in the first place.) And what is there so far is very well done... but it still never does anything more then scratch the surface. We never get any real development. There are so many girls already in this game waiting to be explored, and instead of doing so he just keeps adding more girls for another intro scene and a new dance, or maybe a new costume or two so we can do the exact same thing again just looking slightly different. When do we get to really start playing with these women we've captured? How long ago was Barbara added? There's still nothing we can really do with her. I know "Only so much can be done in a month" but it's about focus right now. Stop just adding more girls and focus on fleshing out the ones that we already have. Things like Raven and Artemis, and Cheshire, and whatever women they'd like to ad should have come later, after they've at least come close to finishing what they've already started. The quality of the work and potential of the project is AMAZING, but I'm beginning to lose hope that this project will ever be completed or go anywhere interesting. We'll just spend the next few years adding yet a new girl every month that we never get to do anything with. That's getting boring. Please stop just adding girls, FOCUS.


I agree with some of the comments made before me regardinv the lack of focus in the development. The story is great and strangely (for what I came to expect from such patreon and fan projects) exceptionnally well written (the interactions with Lois and Barbara are GOLD), but it seems like so little has been done to develop character storylines to the end. I'dmuch prefer focus with amonth dedicated to develop a single character, with maybe a couple of side projects. Right now it just feels that the more characters are added, the less we can expect "interesting" character development and adult interaction, which is a shame. New patreon here btw, stopped lurking, and I have faith you guys are going to do somethin great. I just hope it'd be more interestingly focus while heading there. :)


Greatwork:D Btw I've seen other player mentions that there's a pic about Lois and Wonder Woman. Can someone tell me how to trigger it?


This update is arguably one of our smaller updates (not smallest). I also want to thank you for you input it is much appreciated and we will take this into consideration. I want to add again that we are one of the very few creators (H-game) who do monthly updates (non-rpg maker). Also what you see might not represent the entire body of work for the month, this is due to the community wanting a more polished project (happened in 2015). So now what doesn't get finished doesn't get implemented, that means that there can be large sections of game that turn on and create great updates. We just had two months of large sections of game being turned on. -SmokeShank


Someone else mentioned this a little higher up in the comments but there does appear to be a minor bug in Cheshire's content where her capture scene plays every day that you enter Lexcorp for the first time, and each time it fills up a cell slot with question marks. Just to let you all you know that it's not just a one person thin. Has anyone else found a fix for this?


I did not recieve the email and I check my spam folder :(


can we get a fix for the Cheshire content bug. so damn annoying.


Lois & Wonder Woman together you mean? Nope. Nothing like this currently. Right now, the game contains no multi-girls scene at all.


Hi, enjoying the new update, but i also have the cheshire bug that plays on lexcorp entering. She also appears as your henchwoman when trying to capture lois, in fact both lois and harley are currently unobtainable due to the bug. Also the game will freeze when all the cells are full of cheshare captures.


Playing my saves, i think the bug is due to the game expecting a villan to be stationed in your base, as the bug does not occur for me when this is the case.


Just saw this old picture again a few days ago, and although reusing it may feel lazy, it's so nice so I wouldn't mind having it slightly reworked to be played as a scene for the MB 8) <a href="http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/SunsetRiders7/369571/Girls-Night-In" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/SunsetRiders7/369571/Girls-Night-In</a>

Josh Spicer

It Galatea still a thing? If so, how?


If you still have 2.0.4 installed, you can get Chesire the first time on 2.0.5, then load your save in 2.0.4. Then you should be able to get Harley to appear while playing 2.0.4. Once she's established in her cell, you can go back to playing 2.0.5. It's a pain, but bugs like this are probably inevitable when the developers are doing monthly beta builds. Also, if you use this fix you can't get Lois normally, but you can always just cheat her in if you enable cheats when starting a new save.


I'm not sure what you have to do to trigger it, but after a certain point you can visit the cloning area in the base and start on some heists that eventually allow you to clone Galatea.


Cant seem to get cheshire to trigger any help?