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So I have two updates for all of you today.


#1) SU 2.x.x will be released at the end of the month per usual.  The test build is going out to our internal testing team on the 28th (cross fingers). SR7 is pretty happy with this build.

 Newgrounds Small Games Team

#2) I was blown away by the responses we got from artists being interested in these games.  We have been communicating with an artist who has real world experience in game making and as SR7 has said "His art is really good and clean, you can tell he is a professional".  I will announce who this person is either Thursday or Friday.  He has agreed and is excited to start on the project.  This means once ideas are tabled and decisions are made we can begin the process of creating the game.  Now this small games team will grow over time and slowly as support grows.  The idea being that we can have overlapping projects and a decent pipeline.  We are going to take it slow and focus on this first project then guage response there after.  Thank you to all that have submitted their work, or ideas.  If we don't use you now that doesn't mean we won't use you ever! 

With the small games we are exploring giving our supporters more, besides a stand alone, we are discussing a digital artbook, soundtrack, something we will have to see.  There will be perks for supporting. 


(No title)



So the new artist isn't going to help with SU, but with other projects?


Great news! I'm eager to see the new version of SU, and what this new project will be :)


Anytime SR7 is happy I'm HYPED


I'll still be doing SU myself to keep it consistent. I'll just oversee some things on other projects here and there.


Fine by me, your art is great and a style change would be kind of jarring. I'm just eager for more SU content- love that game.


A digital artbook sounds awesome!


Hey i'm a new patron so I just wanna confirm this. Do we get the updates emailed to us or is it posted on Patreon?


Emails go out every wednesday unless there is a specific release. You can attach your Patreon to Discord if you want to get them the quickest


Alright thanks, guess i'll have to start using Discord again.


So is there a Discord chat, how do i join it? Im sorry for all the questions, im very new to this.


@Ensalada Go here : <a href="https://discord.gg/38pEx3d" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/38pEx3d</a>


Can't wait for the new SU!


I admire your professional attitude in making these games. Keep up the good work.