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Usually after we release a build we get bombarded with requests for the new build.   Most of these are from patrons who just subbed and missed the mass email. So I thought that every month I will make a quick post on how to get your rewards.

Best Fastest:

Discord: Click the banner on our profile and either install the app, or use the web app.  From there type !rewards and our bot will provide you an official guide from Patreon on how to connect your Patreon and Discord accounts.  This won't necessarily be instant but within 30 mins you will have access to our channel #su_download.  If you have any questions just pop them in chat there is usually people around to offer assistance. 

2nd Slow:

Email:  We email all new patreons every Wednesday.  This isn't fail proof and people get missed, you may even miss the mail out by 1 min on occasion.


Patreon/Discord Message:  If you have tried both of these then send us a message (Discord is usually the faster of the two), we will look you up an provide you a link.  This is active and we need to search up your name and confirm you are eligible for rewards.  


Jonathan Heard

does anyone know what the bonus is?


I actually have a question about art and comic pages. It's been months since you put the next page of the Rogue comic up or any other art for that matter. I did see a zipped pack on a site that had all art from SU in it, though it didn't have any of the sex related scenes, it did have a few costume changes in it. My question is, given you guys have your own site now, will you start posting pics and comic pages again next year?


I'll get back to Rogue Lust pretty soon what through everything out of whack this year was when I was sick most of August and September. I decided to focus on SU the rest of the year to make up some time.


Hi, i've installed the discord app and i'm not sure i understand how to use it


Damn! Sorry :( Totally forgot about that. Well, Glad your better and SU has turns out amazing so whatever new stuff you guys come up with and put out whenever I'm pretty sure I'll love. So have a Happy Holiday :)


um how use web discoder


<a href="https://discordapp.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discordapp.com/</a>