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Streaming in a about an hour!!




Nice, hope I am still abel to stay awake


Hmph...it'd be nice to have more notice for these events...


Ok we will try and come up with more notice for next stream. Sorry Bacchusplateau -SmokeShank


I'm trying not to be a dick...lol. I'm here every day. It's just when I am on, I seem to miss these events. Cheers!


Thanks for the stream Sunset. Glad to hear there's some Mercy progression going into the next build. I love how you've portrayed her. You mentioned that you've changed Tala significantly from the one in the show - your version is fantastic and the recent new outfit and BJ scenes were awesome.


hey Sunsetrider, you said that Rouge Lust would be back, it has been a while, is it about to start back up? also what does it take to get you to draw a comic like that in the first place?


Hopefully the Mercy stuff gets in there. I don't like to say something will be in there then it gets cut at the last minute.


It'll be back, I just don't know when. I'd like to finish it by the end of the year so it'll have to start soon. It can take 6 to sometimes 10 hours for a page depending. It's takes a while to plan out the pages as well though.


Are the BJ scenes as far as you can go on the current free/paid versions?


Sunsetriders7, do you think you could so some of your art on Black Canary? her style from Young Justice? i'm just asking, ofc there is no obligaction, fter all your a very bussy artist :o