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This upcoming update to SU will mark the 13th update, so I thought I would reflect a little on the development and hurdles we have faced so far. Some of you maybe remember that we actually started this project without a demo purely development from scratch right here on Patreon.  We also actually had the development builds locked off at $20.00, and lowered the access to $5.00 12 months ago.  November 2015's build (1.5) was an actual rollback and had less content than the build before (1.4 had more content than 1.5), that's right content was removed.  Build 1.5.5 saw most of the content back in (there wasn't a full update in December just a few weeks work).  January 2016 saw the project shelved due to a DMCA Patreon received regarding content on our page.  We picked back up the project silently in April and two weeks later we released 1.6 to the public.  We didn't work on SU at all in May and finished Bend or Break.  June saw us back on track with SU and it became once again our main focus, six whole months after we shelved it.  Also in June SR7 started doing animations in Unity, then in July with new hardware, he switched to AfterEffects.  August was a very rough month, SR7 started the month out with a cold, got better for a week, then a list of problems took over and he was bed ridden for almost three whole weeks.  We still managed a small update with 1.9.5. September brought SR7 to picarto and our 12th update to SU, we have overcome a lot of adversity in the development of this project, but we wouldn't have been able to do so without all the support you guys give us.  We are excited to move forward and continue working on this project till it is completed. Once again thank you all!



Please continue! I'm new but I'm here to the end!


This shows how well you have progressed.


Thanks, when writing this I couldn't believe it really was almost 6 months of not working on SU. Worked out I guess. -SmokeShank


Awesome work guys! Congrats. I'm proud to be one of your patrons. :) Looking forward to another great year.


So I finally decided to see what Discord was all about and its mostly just a bunch of random discussions that have nothing to do with what Sunsetriders is working on. As I'm typing this someone seriously just posted that they had McDonald's for lunch today. Kinda feel like I wasted my time creating an account.


It's just a community with lots of good info, we have a section were members talk about other games out there, and there is lots of discussions regarding SR7's work just have to start talking about it. -SmokeShank


Just pledged, what's the rough estimate for receiving the email for the recent builds?


I also just started my pledge. Would I be able to get the new update?


I downloaded your latest free build today and I must say that this game is freaking awesome, literally the first one which made me to pledge immediatelly. Great job and keep up.


Hi, after checking this game out, I decided to pledge today. Could you email me the latest build?


same as James. Just pledged today and wondering if i could get the lastest build before waiting for next months


Hi there. I've just made my pledge. Can I ask you to send me the link to the latest build available for me? Thanks and best regards. Great work so far 😊


I also just pledged. Can I get the latest build?


me too i just pledged