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So as most of you are aware we have been pushing our Discord channel over the last month.  We also were invited to the Patreon/Discord Beta which allows you to link your accounts and get exclusive rewards to your pledge level.  Which brings me to this, we will distribute SU via Discord.  This means when we go to release the game you can sign into discord (website, or the application) and navigate to the channel labeled #su_download, and get the link there.   Once you link your patreon account to Discord you will automatically be assigned roles that allow you access to certain channels (like #su_download).  We have also set-up several other channels to discuss various topics, think of Discord like our own community forum.

With discord you do not have to install any programs, it can run via the web app.

First step: Setup a Discord User account (Free)

 Discord : https://discordapp.com/

Step Two: Join our server

Our instant invite:

Step Three: Link your Patreon account

How to link your Patreon and Discord accounts.

This is also the place to submit bug reports, discuss DCAU stuff, and other H-games. 



wait what rewards do we get through discord.

Alex McGregor

...so you want me to waste my time learning to use another program clogging up my computer just to get stuff I could otherwise download... I do not like this idea at all sir, no I do not


You can get SU d/l links, and we are thinking of doing some community events. -SmokeShank


"With discord you do not have to install any programs, it can run via the web app." -SmokeShank


Yeah i really don't like this either. I really don't wanna have to use discord.


I guess I just don't see the reasoning behind this. This seems like a lot of trouble to go through for no actual benefits. Have to set up a discord account, have to link it with my patreon account, have to join the server, just seems very unnecessary for distribution.


I have to agree with everyone else. I don't see the point of using discord. Seems like it would make distribution more complicated and we'll still be getting the same thing we're already getting. Are there any benefits?


We also us Discord for other uses also. It allows easier management of bug reports. Instant communication with fans. I have sent roughly 50+ emails (not including the actual release) since sept 1. I have also had on several occasions had users with identical names, in different reward tiers. I had to wait on a response to deliver rewards they paid for. If you want the rewards fast, here is the place. Otherwise I will send out weekly emails to new patrons. -SmokeShank


You don't have to use it. I will still email rewards out at the end of the month. Both SR7 and myself really enjoy it as it allows us to engage with fans easier. Both of us have been using it as an alternative to skype for 4 months now. It is lightweight free (you can have your own server) works with streaming and many other benefits as creators. It is new but I promise you will see in a lot of places. We wanted to start our own website so you can get rewards fast and easily, this is essentially the exact same thing (without the additional expenses associated with that) . -SmokeShank

Tyrranus Lord

Not a fan of this system tho I do understand your reasons for doing it. I'm quite glad to hear that you will not make this mandatory. :) Sorry but this dinosaur only just recently embraced Patreon at all, and I'd still prefer to avoid its use in favor of a one time payment for software. But I see how wonderful it is for people trying to develop that software and break out of "their day job" and make this their new career, so I have embraced that change.


You guys are great - not a fan of this, though. Glad rewards will continue to be sent via email. Keep on keepin' on.


I should have made the post clearer, it's not a requirement just an option. Well lets hope this Nutaku Store pans out, might spell the end of many Patreons (for the good of course) -SmokeShank


I don't really have an opinion on this, if it proves to be more streamlined and easier than the old system (for you guys I mean) then I'll likely give it a go. For now I'm just going to wait and see how it turns out after the Beta stuff. Thanks for the additional options though, they're much appreciated!


I don't mind this - good way to leave the links posted for people joining mid month and still emailing rewards every month.