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Ok guys, here we are half way through August and a few weeks away from SU 2.0.  I will get it out of the way, what will be in 2.0? It's safe to expect the same amount of content as similar updates 3-4 animations, bug fixes, amongst other things.  We really wanted 2.0 to be a massive update, just sometimes things just don't work out the way you want them :(  But never the less, we continue to make progress.  Both SR7 and I are really happy with the progress the project is tracking at.   We are internally aiming for an August 26-27 for testers, then out to you guys on the 30-31. 

Other Stuff

We have started streaming, and SR7 will be making an appearance this week when doing some of his arts.  He will run his stream with a mic to answer all of your questions.

Bend or Break on Newgrounds just hit 200k views/plays this month!  This puts it near the top of the games that have been put out in the last 12 months (including Divine Arms, Re-Maid, and a Studio FOW project).  We never thought it would get that many views.  Next goal 400k by the end of the year!!!

If you want to chat with us get on Discord!!!

https://discord.gg/38pEx3d follow that link to join someone is always on



Just make it 1.91 update :)


I vote less animations, more stuff in glamour slam and bordello in the future...

Tim The Enchanter

I have to agree, animations are nice but content is better. I would rather have stills that act as placeholders until more of the game is done before dedicating a lot of time on admittedly awesome but time-consuming animations


Or 1.10, versioning isn't a decimal system. Hopped in the discord channel, not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't MRA shit...


You could always cut the animations in half say 1-2 and add more static CGs then in the later versions add the animations


I'm sure hoping for some great bordello content, but I'm hyped regardless for any mention of SU- so keep up the good work!


I'd like more content just like everyone else here but putting placeholder artwork in game rather than doing it properly on the first go is only going to waste time in the long run. SSR7 is getting better and better with the animations (Tala's recent strip & BJ scenes were incredibly hot) and it stands to reason that the more practice he gets the more content he'll be able to produce.


Me am want colored Bizarro, that would be terrible. I'm actually good with whatever SR7 can manage to squeeze in per month, just as long as the game doesn't become a "chore", I don't want him to get burned out, we need SU! I actually do the math sometimes and realize "Fuck, another 2 weeks..." lol.


Yeah I agree


One of the few things I want this update would be the dancing and strip scenes for Wonder Woman and Hawkgirl. The other scene I could only think of would be like Mercy finally fully stripping (mwahahahaha)


Bwahahaha Mercy. Kinda want some catwoman too ;P


Is 2.0 out?