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Kicking off 2022, longtime favorite Zatanna will finally be getting her Cell Content coming near the end of February!

The Entertainer seems rather happy to be in the Cells with Lex but is it all a ploy?

Could Zatanna be planning her greatest escape yet or has Lex actually captivated her to stay? Find out next week on how soon you'll get this update!



Gundam lupus

I have a love hate thing with z after Identity crisis and what she did to catwoman.


Nice text to get us excited 👍 Though Zatanna is already enough on her own, to make us very excited


Will this be "full" cell content or is it going to be piecemeal, like Superwoman and Wonder Woman (which I hope will also get their cells finished with the next update, at least one of them)?


FINALLY!!! Do you know how many years I've been waiting for this?! My dick will die happy! X3


Excited for her. Also excited for WW and SW cell stuff to be finished. Cause those two are my favorites lol


Yess finally


My guess is that zantana will make a sausage disappear

DJ Quinn

Always forget that that's Lex's default outfit. Usually keep him in the billionaire one since that's what I remember him looking like in the Superman animated series lol


Fuck yeah man can't wait!


Will the next update also include completed WW cell content?

Princess Raven

Buuut is the Artemis content going to be fixed?


I thought her middle name was supposed to be "Yotkcuf"...


Huh, I more expected her to be at Tala's but that works too


<p style="color: #008600;">Glad to hear that the adorable and stunning Zatanna is finally getting her content!❤️ 🧡❤️ 🧡</p>


Am I the only one that thinks her proportions are off? Her breasts look like they're a lot lower than they should be.


I'm really exicted. Can you update full Zatanna content?


@lukewarmer Keep in mind, her breasts start a little higher than it looks here, that shirt isn’t entirely form fitting.


Oh? What was up with her content? I didn’t notice anything.


That’d be nice. I’m hoping they go for making Wonder Woman a sub to both Super Woman And Princess Audrey. I feel like their content should go hand in hand.


That could be artistic license, but yeah, a button up shirt generally doesn’t hug your curves like that no matter how tight it is. It’s not spandex.

Princess Raven

It freezes the entire game, in the newest DL. You try to do Artemis and your game will just freeze and lock after a few encounters. Something to do with the henchwomen being broken or something.