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We really wanted to go into the Holidays with a blow out, but it became more blown up than anything! We wanted a big completion update for Wonder Woman and the popular characters in this one, but things don't always work out that way. It just really sprawled out, fell apart, then had to be reeled back in again. The double edge sword of complex scenes is just all the problems that can come with them. Honestly, we were just exhausted going this long on a single update. At a certain point you start to fix one problem and make three more in the process.

We wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays as the year starts to come to a close. We thank you all for the patience and support. We hope you are just as excited as we are for what 2022 has in store for SU!




No worries, I'm sure it's great! Haven't been disappointed yet!


Ik when its finally released it gonna be amazing

Gundam lupus

Happy holidays to the creators too.


Don't worry about it too much. The game is at much larger scale than it was supposed to be. So some problems just aren't easy and fast to solve anymore


No worries. Enjoy your holidays. If we see it in the new year. We'll see it in the New Year.


no rush thanks for the update happy holidays

Joshua Abutin

Happy holidays and hope for less headaches for you all in the future :)


Much appreciated and Happy Holidays to all!


looking at this changelog this update seems disappointing. Maybe actually finish the main character of the update instead of adding pointless stuff no one asked for and stretching out the update.


The download link for the update is in the post just before this one.

John Richards

So you're not willing to admit you overreacted and were wrong so you are now instead attacking them for the content they advertised in their teasers and for not adding in the content YOU specifically want. Typical of your kind I guess


Its all good, thank you for the update and may this next year treat you better. Thank you guys for all the hard work!

Gundam lupus

Is anyone else hoping we will be able to eventually make a female superman clone?


I do now that you've put the mental image in my head. We already cloned his cousin and turned her into a henchwoman/daughter after all.


Wait, so Wonder Woman's scenes are not completed in this update? Back down to purgatory I go lmao


lOhhh, bueno puedo entender que sea un trabajo duro programar, seguire esperando por wonder woman. mientras tanto este mensaje significa que hay actualizacion pero hasta 2022?


Kinda confused & disappointed to see Harley and batgirl content getting added rather than finishing Wonder Woman’s content :/


Yeah after about 3 months of waiting and about 3 or 4 posts on here building up Wonder Woman content only to have it not be finished is a massive let down. Think I’m gonna unsub, after about a year or more. Unbelievably disappointed


So does that mean the near complete BoB2 will be in 2022 instead of this year??


I liked that we had superwoman, that was awesome


Really excited to see more content of the girls interacting with each other, even incomplete this is one of the more exciting updates in a long time. <3


I don’t want to complain but I can’t help but feel disappointed that Wonder Woman’s content was not finished. Especially after those posts really suggesting that WW was the main focus of the update. Saying that, there is a broad amount of content in this update that I’m Looking forward to exploring. I also want to say, that game development is no easy task, and people are acting out of entitlement. If your truly dissatisfied with how the updates are going, no ones preventing you from unsubbing. One thing that I’d be curious of especially going into the new year, if we could have more clear examples for those that want it. Of what is going to appear in the upcoming updates. I know it removes some of the surprise, but I feel expectations would be more sated.


I am out. Please remember, they are two builds combined.


Who cares about WW anyway :D


So far, I'm happy with the update. Keep up the good work!


this update was two builds combined into one with wonder woman as the main focus. We got neither of those after a month delay. Before the delays were at least bearable because the updates usually delivered but this update showed the true colors of the devs. I suggest following my example and unsubbing. If we truly want the devs to get their shit together the only way that'll happen is if they see the dollar signs go down.


No WW sex, wtf have you been doing all this time? omfg.

John Richards

It was a build and a bug fix put together. Not 2 individual updates put together which further demonstrates you have no idea how game development works.


"If we truly want the devs to get their shit together the only way that'll happen is if they see the dollar signs go down." you seriously think thats gonna change anything? 1. Its just one guy working on this game 2. You (and many others) keep on assuming you know what is going on with SU Theres plenty of reasons why they have been keeping on the downlow with things and not communicating at all. You (and many others) refuse to accept any of the things I have told you as to why they are doing what they do now. so i wont repeat myself here As for everyone else, stop assuming you know what the GG boys are doing you are only hurting yourself more than them


waiting for patreons to throw more money at them so they can milk WW for another year.

John Richards

Yeah they never claimed WW would get all the content and clearly if you looked at the change log, you would see all he’s been working on all this time. It’s not the devs job to bow down to people like you who clearly will complain no matter what he does. So either unsub or put up your own game.

John Richards

I seem to recall you saying that they weren't even going to release the build this month and were milking money out of people then


I'm willing to be the WW scenes are done just not release bc the devs know it'll attract patrons. There's no way they just sat on their ass for 3 months. so yeah. There goes my support and anyone who wants a decent update should stop supporting a dev who doesn't deliver as well. Cya


Unfortunately now, there isnt really any point in giving out clear info on what is on the build. Too many people have complained whether its about the content or delays or whatever, where enough people will not accept whatever they say. So, the GG boys have decided to just leave everything on the downlow and/or as a surprise, and only say something when there is something to talk about or release.

John Richards

Bye. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. You said they weren't even going to release this month and was going into 2022. Shut up and just go already if you're so unsatisfied with the content. You're acting as if you're being held at will


The only thing I don't understand is why characters like Supergirl, Batgirl and Harley get more content when there are other girls who literally have none. But overall good update


You two do nothing but simp for this dev constantly. People are allowed to be disappointed.


Please finnaly wonder woman


It's just one guy making over $10k a month, hire some help or don't bitch about being overworked.


I was a little surprised we didn’t get a full interaction with WW and SW, but considering you unlocked Audrey and gave us a World’s Finest Girl’s Night, there’s no sense complaining. This was an epic update.


but have you seen OP's repeated rant i mean i get you are unhappy but c'mon this is just gettin annoying now


They did hire somebody before but things werent working out and he left


If there was a message before the build was supposed to be out that there might be a delay or that there may be less content in the build then half these complaints might not be here. The builds not the best one especially after a delay but the communication is inexcusable here.

jose hernandez

I love you guys and respect your efforts.


really enjoyed the WW content, but was surprised at how much I also enjoyed the Batgirl/Supergirl content. Almost beat out Wonder Woman for me! Just a suggestion, but would doing some scripted action/fight scenes give you a break from the regular stuff from time to time? I like how you are starting to expand on the concept of having an entire group of superheroines under your thumb. It wouldn't need to be anything with game mechanics, just a scene here or there.

Jack Reaps

how did you unlock BG/SG not working for me. Thanks


Welp, It's official for me, I'm just gonna cancel the monthly payment and wait for the releases. The lack of communication on the state of the release was really bad, and more of it would have avoided any drama, and maybe I wouldn't have felt as bad as I do now. Also, I understand making a game by yourself is in no way easy. But I sure feel like it's been getting worse and worse. The one frame scenes, whereas before the was SOME movement. The lack of focus on the characters... And this update is kinda just the nail in the coffin for me. Instread of Audrey (which I barely care about), I'd 100% would have prefered WW and Superwoman. Since those were most of the teasers (3 of them out of 4!), I feel entiteled to those and was very disapointed by the lack of content. Oh well, see you next release. Hope it gets betters!

John Richards

No. It’s a bug fix and a build combined. Learn how game development works

J Scott

It's under the Batgirl leash section. Once you've got her sufficiently advanced. I'm not sure if Supergirl also has to be adavnced along a bit, but I did so just in case, and it all worked out fine for me. There's actually much more Batgirl/Supergirl interaction than I thought there'd be, and it's all great!

J Scott

Man, the Batgirl/Supergirl interactions were soooo great! Much better than I was expecting them to be. And the Wonderwoman and Superwoman individual scenes are developing really nicely as well. (Also was surprised by how much I enjoyed the Audrey and 2xHarley stuff too.) And yeah, I hope you all have a good time over the holidays.. :)


I see people criticize in the comment section, but why did my comment got deleted?


i understand constructive criticism, but I'm honestly glad the game still gets updates, better knowing more is eventually coming than not at all, hope what ever criticism yall receive dosnt discourage, but motivates yall with this and others games... happy holidays


Why didn't you make WW bj with her hands tied in her back? I believe you missed a great bdsm moment... beside that, nothing to say, this update is just fine.


If some reason i can't get the mega file to load so I can download to me computer. Any idea what I should do?


Hey guys, this might be an unpopular opinion, but if you are reaching the technical limits of the technology then it might be time to do something that has not been discussed yet. Begin implementation for the end of the game. This game is great, but all things must come to an end and it feels like this game has enough content to start contemplating that end. If I had to put it down in a road map. I would say the game needs the Wonder Women, Super Women, and Zatanna content to finish the core. Maby 2-3 more scenes for the Halloween yacht, for the more complex scenes you guys talk about. And finally two more "Transport to new locations and take over" content. Namely Atlantis with Queen Mira and some servants, and Themyscira, with Queen Hippolyta and some Amazons. And now that Lex is King of everything from Atlantis to an entire world; You could then end the game with Lex becoming king of Earth with some interesting scenes to go with it as end game content. This would create a perfect game. One you guys would be proud of and most importantly you guys could move on to something new to build from the ground up. Without the same limitations and with all the knowledge you have in an entirely new direction. Just a thought.


Just take a deep breath, relax and understand you've done well with this, no criticism or praise can outweigh what you know inside yourself what you've achieved and will continue to do at your own pace. Enjoy the holidays and look forward to seeing what 2022 brings for us.


Well, it's crystal clear that things aren't working as they should. I'm going to make a suggestion, which I haven't seen here yet, and I don't know if it could favor a more functional system. But, it seems to me that, as the dream grew, all the ideas continued to be put in the same "box". It turns out that this "box", like any memory, starts to have continuous problems when there is too much content and too much to process. I believe (and hope) that there is absolutely no need to end the game. There is an infinite possibility of events, costumes, etc that can make the story go on endlessly (I think we would all like that, wouldn't we?). But, it seems impractical to keep on putting content in that same "box". My suggestion would be to fix all the bugs in the game and make it completely accessible for all scenes that have happened so far. But, with renewed memory, enough space and acquired experience, a new game could be started, following the same story. When we want to revisit the previous scenes, we turn to the first part. To continue with the story, we turn to "SU part 2". Maybe it could even make easier the development of other games (although, personaly, my unique interest is SU). I'm not a programmer and I don't know if that would mean a new "headache". I know that when the memory of our devices is full, obsolete or with processing difficulties, the best thing to do is to save the content and purchase a new one. In this way, the works could return to flying for "clear skies". This is the suggestion of a layperson who only hopes to have contributed so that this unique work, which is the SU, continues to exist and develop in a healthier way, in many aspects. It would be great to know everyone's opinions and the technical views about it. Thanks


Thanks for the update! Development is hard and I appreciate the extra effort! Anyone who's upset should try to understand that software development often results in unforeseen complications that can make deadlines (and time estimates) difficult. Hope you can take some time to relax for the holidays! I appreciate you.


Ok guys. Try to relax a little, you will have time to catch up, there is still a lot of time ahead, do not worry!


Thank you for your hard work; I'm excited to see first-hand what you've done for this release. And do try to relax and just have some fun on occasion - nothing kills inspiration faster than overworking yourself to the point of exhaustion again and again within short period of time. Even if its something you enjoy doing. After all, variety is the spice of life, as they say.


Getting the booster shot tomorrow, gonna make sure they get the left arm so I can enjoy my day off.


Amazing update. Love the pairing up that keeps popping up. you guys keep doin what you do. I love it. I am wondering though how you get Darcy.


I also think the end game could use new characters and location like Apokolips. Like Lex capturing Big Barda, Darksied's daughter Grail, or other women from Apokolips like Knockout. Lex could use them to take over Apokolips or something along those lines which adds the new location. Just a thought I had. I would especially like to see Grail here.


Checkout the Legion Hideout. Not sure what all the requirements are but that is where you initially find her eventually.


Yes, it happens and this is a sad truth for developers)) I wish you the very happy upcoming holidays!

Gundam lupus

Had another thought: Catwoman does not know who batman is in this universe anyone else think it would be funny to have Catwoman instead of doing Luther have Luther set a device on batman for Catwoman to control. as that would also solve the batman issue (aka batman always tends to find a way.) i will admit Batcat is a OTP for me so i do not like the idea of her with anyone else. PS: There is also the unresolved issue of How bruce wayne does not find out about the bordello and giving catwoman batman as her controlled pet is a fun way to solve the issue.


it doesn't work on mac. any way we could get asset pack sooner rather than later to see the new content?