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Almost forgot about this one lol.  Anyways SU 1.8 tomorrow, and the webshow should be fun.  Leave your questions below and we will do our best to get to them!!




What did you think of the game of Thrones finale


Can't wait for the release of the SU update.


You guys will continue the develoment of SU? I'm a new patreon


I'm going to need this update before I lose my mind


What's new in SU 1.8?


Any plans to add Talia al Ghul in the far future (DLC)? She's not only a prominent femme fatale in the DCAU, but also has a lot of existing costumes (bodysuit, harem outfit, desert outfit). She did take over LexCorp when Luthor was President in the comics... maybe Lex needs someone to run the company while he's tinkering in the basement! Emphasis on far future, the already implemented characters should obviously get a lot of content before adding new ones.


What time in CST again? Bah, what am I doing? I'll just see what time the broadcast was for earlier webshows...


I was very pleased with the amount of content in the latest SU patch! Hoped for dat Mercy strip but i can survive another month i am sure ;-) I know i said i din't want any spoilers last time i commented on webshow, saying that i wanted to discover whats new for myself. But i really felt like i needed the patch notes this time, I kept trying to make Mercy do more, some clear heads-up when content limit is reached would be nice :P It's getting better and better with every build, keep up the good work bros!


Yes that's correct, I'm heading to SR7's now and will make a post with a time -SmokeShank


What's planned in the next update! Really enjoying this current one.


I don't know if this has been answered already in previous web shows but what exactly will the VIP section have when its completed?