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This one is a little bit different since it can't really be done as a normal poll with selections. So you guys can leave comments on what you think the worst scene currently in the game is, in your opinion.

It can be based on visuals, dialog or just whatever criteria you think makes sense to you. We'll go through the results and see what the general picks are, then maybe do another poll on that.



All of Prison






My most hated thing is that I get grossed out by the "Daddy" stuff from both Galatea and Terra, I get that's some peoples thing so I don't want it gone, just let me make them call Lex anything else, please... As far as specific scenes. I think the leash scene with Lois in the office looks odd, her head position is weird to me I think.


I just want more POV scenes




Yeah, the Prison could use more activity and/or dialog. It just gets boring at a center point, and you have to be there for days so it needs the most touching up on.


I enjoyed prison, but it did go on for a bit too long. Also Raven’s arms seem a little disproportional to me.


Galatea's anal sceen, because basically you can't see anything :(


Outside of Prison needing an update, the dancing scenes on the dance floor for Yacht and Halloween aren't great. Other than that I can't really think of a scene or scenes that are the worst to me. Mostly just older stuff could use an update.

Crazy Ape 74

Prison goes on a little too long and Raven’s sex and blowjob scenes never quite looked the way I was hoping they would


Prison takes so long it could use a bit more filling


The worst part about the prison event is the daily quota. You have to visit a certain number of people before you’re allowed to progress, and it’s practically everyone in the prison. It’s a stupidly high number compared to how few people and activities are in there. I shouldn’t need to visit Bane or Metallo every single day, and I really don’t want to, but I can’t move on without visiting at least one of them each day. A greater variety of things to do or a lower number of people I need to visit would make this event feel less like a god damn chore.


Activity in prison and raven scene is not interesting as it should be hehe😅


In prison, if I don’t visit Metallo or Bane every day, I can’t move on to the next day. I don’t want to do that, they’re not that interesting, I’m tired of being forced to strike up the same conversation over and over and over again just because the game won’t let me go to sleep without visiting a minimum number of people. There’s not enough shit to do in prison to justify its length.

Daniel Lowery

Prison scenes since you’re forced to be with those scenes for so long without any quick way out. In a vacuum some of the scenes are very good, but you’re stuck with them as opposed to choosing them


Black Canary’s Anal scene. The angle and proportions look so offputting. It makes her look tiny and much smaller than she’s supposed to be


I'd say the length of the Prison event as well as the lack of content for it.


I would say most of the animated scenes. I know animation isn't easy and I appreciate the effort, but the animations take a good while to load and they feel a bit awkward. I'd love to see higher quality animations but the static images we usually get are also excellent


Talia's anal scene, mainly because you can't see anything. Maybe if it showed her ass afterwards it would be better.


The Wonder Woman/Superwoman threesome at Halloween.


THIS. Talia is such an awesome design and storywise character but every scene with her leaves so much to be desired... I truly love the Lady Shiva scenes but am really let down by Talias scenes.


Talia's anal scene and the sex Maxima scenes. You don't really see anything going on, just Lex against them


Harley bj is broken for some costumes

Jack Burton

Any scene where you cant see the penetration, a few are just lex pressing up against the girl.

Klutz Lament

Which version did you do that in? I didn't have to visit either of them to continue to the next day in 2.3.2/2.3.3.




Oh man, how could we forget her? All cat puns, no slinky sex. That needs fixing.


The Catwoman scene is the worst, cause it could be soooo good.


Personally I’m not a big fan of the pubes on the girls that have em, I mean yeah I get some people like that stuff but it would be cool if you could get rid of them in appearances. Other then that some prison scenes, I liked the poison ivy/ bench woman but the others just kind of seemed plain.

Ben Weaver

I think the navigation to get everywhere is difficukt. I would think about including shortcuts... especially to the prison as it take 5 clicks just to get to one character in the prison

Melvin Hermill

Not a huge fan of Circes cell. Prefer dominant vs sub

Ben Weaver

Raven and all the mystical character should be in the prison. Its just clu ky having to vist your prison and raven (especially when the lady in chatge of ravens prison doesnt always answer or let you see her!)


I mean, she’s only the worst because we don’t have any content for her. It’s pretty annoying that she only talks in cat puns, too. I mean, I know she makes them in canon, but she does occasionally say other things!

Klutz Lament

I wish there was more variety in the leash scenes. They all follow the exact same story beats just tailored a bit to the character on the leash. I've also noticed that a few of the other scenes seem to have re-used story beats, although those don't stand out as much as the leash scenes do.


The joker/Harley scenes near the beginning, if only because they tend to crash the game.


Prison bad, cat woman needs to have the sex

Gundam lupus

Slave Blackfire TF seen


Hawkgirl's sex and anal scenes art wise


Talia Al Ghul sex scene. bad position..could hardly see her.


Id say the sex scenes which we cant really see anything. Such as Talia and Starfires anal scenes, we cant see much besides just their face or just seeing the sides of them. Other than those everything is really good. Looking forward to seeing more characters and id love to see more GG scenes and different positions.


Prison seems to be a big one, so i’ll skip that, I’ve always felt like the starfire inspection seen felt underdeveloped and a little clumsy. Like Blackfire groping is all well and good, but it doesn’t progress at all, and feels a bit forced narrative-wise.


Navigating the menus to go anywhere seems to take way longer than it should. I feel it should be instant between each menue especially considering how many you need to click through to get to say, the cells from the overworld. So if you are just grinding one or two people in the cells it takes forever to progress as you gotta click like 10 menus just to get to once scene then do it all over again.


I agree with Klutz Lament, about the leash scenes. The reused story beats aren't good. For each and every girl the leash scenes need to be unique in their own way. There was some moderate tailoring to them, but not enough to make a noticeable difference. I would incorporate the woman's personality into the leash scenes more so. Especially if they are an enemy of Lex's. The humiliation of the leash and the acts that happen need to be more fitting to how they would respond to it.


You really need to ask?? FUTA!!!!!!


I understand the re-use of the sequence in the cells and leash scenes, but they definitely feel repetitive. Otherwise its mostly a personal thing but star girl really irritates me.


Leash scenes are basically the same every time, super repetitive

Crazy Ape 74

Also some of the Hawkgirl cell scenes where she looks pissed off (mostly the sex scene) feel like it misses the mark


Oh Vixen. You can't see the penetration and her arms look off model. Also I think the threesome scenes at the Halloween party need a second scene where you fuck the other girl. It just feels anticlimactic otherwise


I think Black Canary's face is pretty inconsistent - Strip. Sex, and Anal all look pretty different than her dialog card


The scenes where we can't see anything like with some of Galatea's, Starfire's, ect. Also Harley Quinn's Anal scene looks pretty wonky. One of Audry's scenes in Kasnia is also strange as it makes Luthor look like a beautiful squidward meme. I believe it's just the basic sex scene in her room.


Prison scene was great the first time, but it becomes a chore if you ever do it again The proportions in the Galatea vaginal scene was a bit weird


Raven's sex scene. Lex's dick looks like it's in a cigar cutter. I get that she's tight, but no one is that tight. I'd rather see her stretched than Lex pinched like that. Makes me cringe.


Anything that is just bodies mushed into the mattress/doggy obscuring the figure. Comes up far too often.


No real complaints.


I’d say Killer Frost’s lesbian scenes, since there’s no reliable way that I can find to trigger them.


I know the Prison scene is beat to death in the comments; but while I don't totally hate it, I think the environment is underused. I mean there is a toilet in Killer Frost's cell. XD And the leash scenes aren't dynamic enough. There should be different dialogue and expressions the more you do it.


Agree about Harley's anal scene, if you mean Harley #2. Looks like she has no calves or feet in the anal scene.


Actually, the futa is one of the better parts of Artemis scene. More would be good.


wish there was more for the leash scenes different areas and the more you do it you get different dialogue

Wonder Red

I think audrey's kasnia sex scene looks real bad the proportions looks all weird, her face looks off looking straight on, the bodies look all twisted. I really want a scene where audrey is being picked up but I think this needs to be redone. Something simple like lex picking her up and her having her hands around his neck and some of hawkgirls scenes look off too her eyes are look crooked in a few of them lol


this (audrey's kasnia sex scene) 100% just replayed it the other night and it just dosnt look right.

Terrell Hird

always thought the first Cheetah oral scene ends kinda weird especially in comparison to every other oral scene


Harley anal scene, where one of her butt cheeks looks twice the size of other one. And Lois anal scene, because you can see what she doesnt have half of her leg


I guess I'd have to say that a lot of Raven's sex scenes are a little underwhelming. The blowjob and anal ones in particular as others have said. Raven's a hot ticket, she should get jazzed up a little more I think. The prison scene does drag but in a weird way I appreciate that, since after all, prison is a long boring drag, so it seems fitting lol

jose hernandez

In a personnal matter I felt the killer frost scenes were a little underwhelming and anti-climatics. She is the BITCH! of this show. SHE has being a hoe since we met her and after trying to hustle us, she was suppose to lose everything and the only thing that matter to her brain should be our ball sack. Now, her scenes were good but I xpected a couple of more like humiliations and such. Like public sex shows in the legion HQ and the bordello. I am bias but I thing we can do more with her, a lot more. Now objectively speaking, Star Sapphire and Volcana feels lazy or tired to be honest. The scenes with them are just the basics and the dialogs pretty basic too. A little touch of love for them would be perfect. Finally and this is just in a overall sight, the whole thing with princess Audrey I believe is time to make a coherent story line for her because the addition of her and kasnia feels forced after some point. More love to the league of assasings would be perfect too, 1 or 2 girls more can help. Finally, and this is for characters like Raven, Artemis, WW and Jinx (the popular girls). I think that one or two animation scenes would make them satisfactory in the long run, just to toss some ideas around. I always loved this game and only spect the best and the blessing that can be bringed upon the Team that made it and I hope my feedback can be of help for this wonderful project to which I feel part of now. Happy halloween guys!!


The Prison event seems a little long and boring. I get the need for it but I think it could do with either shortening a little or spice it up a bit with another exciting scene maybe with Mercy or something?


Are older characters going to get slut outfits? quite a few older characters only have a base outfit, a secondary and nude. would love to see them updated with outfits


From the top of my head: 1) The prison event needs some filler, especially for the last few days where you don't have many people to talk to aside from Poison Ivy. But since this has been mentioned more than enough, i'll not go indept about this 2) The leash scenes really need more variation. The Lois leash scene with Mercy was superawesome, as they end up in the allee and well, it was great to see more than just a different head and dialogue 3) I like the hinting towards some training between Raven and Tala, but we don't see much of that actually. I'd like more FF scenes between the two, as dialogues hint they're doing. 4) I wish certain scenes had more variants, like the Artemis / Cheshire scene. 5) I agree with someone above calling the dance scenes in the yacht/halloween event pretty static. Those could use a variant or a bit of position changing to feel more alive. They're my least favorite scenes on the ship as of yet. 6) Circe's area is waaayy to empty with scenes for me to bother with. Aside from the bug that was present for a long time where choosing one of the other options resulted in the BJ scene (or a different combination, I don' t remember exactly), for the work that went into the backgrounds, it would be more valuable to give her more scenes, so that it doesn't feel this short/empty. I get that making new backgrounds is a lot of work, hence I didn't request it for variations that are girl specific for the lease scenes. But in this case you already made them, so I'd suggest using them to the fullest. 7) Please fix the bug where getting mercy to strip to lingerie/nude with her long hair doesn't unlock the outfits anymore :( 8) The Halloween event could eventually use a bit more filler so it ends up on par with the Yacht event, so it doesn't feel empty in comparison. 9) I've always been very saddened by the fact that scenes with for example the Penguin henchwomen or what's her name again (Black Manta's henchwoman), secondary characters their scenes are completely missing in the vault. I'd wish I would be able to see those again without having to jump into the Yacht event again.


In some scenes, I think the male figures are a little over-sized. I also don't really like the girls portrayed as bodybuilders, with super defined arms, abs and other muscles. I regret that some characters (Zatanna, Catwoman) have been left out for so long, while others quite meaningless or unnecessary (Queen Bee, Maxima, Morgana Le fay) have been contemplated.


The Tala scenes because I don't find her very attractive, the Hawkgirl scenes because of the wings and the lease scenes would be cooler if you could make the girls do more things like blow a hobo in an alley or give lap dances to club patrons.

William Jackson

The scenes with Poison Ivy cucking the MC.


I also think slut costumes are not sexy at all. They are exaggerated and unnecessary. They could be replaced, with many gains, by different lingerie configurations for all girls, with corsets, garter belts, tights, panties, silk stockings, teddies, in spandex, latex, leather, etc, etc.


"...do more things like blow a hobo in an alley or give lap dances to club patrons" -> YES!


I disagree with your first statement, and completely agree with the addition of the rest of your statement


I would LOVE to be able to take the girls' masks off in the private room brothel scenes.


I wonder if there is a way to add who you currently have striping in the club show up in the scenes when you bring the girls in to do the walk around the club. maybe having the girls on stage comment towards whoever is doing the walk.


like if Lois is doing the walk and super girls is pole dancing maybe she draws in more attention on Lois calling her out by name.


Worst scenes for me are Harley's blowjob and Raven's vaginal scene


Probably the prison, and currently, I can't seem to progress superwoman as the first dance command freezes the game every time. I've only been able to get more of her by bringing her on the yacht


henchwoman Harley quinn's sex scene is a bit disappointing. Also telling Crush to dance crashes my game.

Matthew Bray

I don't know about the WORST, but I do know what I thought was the most disappointing. Cheshire sex scene. She is one of my top 3 favorites, but the position she is in for the sex scene is not what I would picture for her. I would think something more wild, to fit her personality, and definitely not from the back. Lifetime martial artist and assassin, would expect something to show off her flexibility.

Tassadar Talimar

I'd have to agree the prison content is a little thin. If there were more we could do while in prison it wouldn't be so bad. And the fact that Roulette's only anal content is in prison also seemed weird to me.


I still hope that Roulette gets visitors through the back door of her office at Glamor Slam.


My least favourite would be the new Hawkgirl scenes because I was hoping they would be drawn with the style of the original glamour slam and bordello scenes. Was a bit disappointed with how her face was drawn in the sex scene and anal scene. Wished her face was drawn more similarly to the bordello scene 1 and her complexion more closely matched the original batch of scenes.

Shawn Jackson

The days you just shower and sleep in prison. Cut them till you have something to do.

J Scott

It's not so much a scene, as a particular piece of art. As everytime I look at the Artemis anal bit in the private room, it almost looks like Lex is missing his head! As if he was decapitated! (I guess it's just from the angle it's at. ) I know and quite agree with the idea that we shouldn't see his face much in the sex scenes, but somthing about this one always throws me off. Probably wouldn't bother me so much if Artemis wasn't one of my favourite characters!


The worst content/scene for me was most of the Ms. Martian stuff. The art just seemed not as good as it's been for the other girls, which is too bad because she is a favorite. All the scenes with Cheetah would also be least favorite just because she is not a favored character. Other considerations: Circe sex scene, Circe Haloween BJ, and most of Jinx's scenes.