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I want to begin as I always do and thank everyone for the support.  First I would like to touch on the month of May and the numbers we saw then move into SU, and VIP.  So May was a little slower for us, as we expected some patrons were not entirely enthused about Bend or Break.  We get that, but are happy that the majority stuck around to see what we had in mind.  Overall May had our numbers grow by a small amount.

Total changes for May

+7 Patrons (New-Deleted)

$-143.71 (difference of new,increase and deleted,decreased)

So overall not bad, as we continue to see the shift towards the $5.00 value which we think will continue until VIP is launched and content added into that $10.00 slot.  Our declines remained nearly unchanged at 6.88%.  In closing we pretty much remained neutral throughout the month.

Now on to SU, we are looking to push the build out to our testers mid next week, with the release aiming for the last week of the month. More info will be shared during our webshow.

VIP oh how we have talked up the VIP section.  Now we have a plan, and are just waiting to hear back about some hosting information.  Once this information is given to us we will begin the process of building out the site. Our goal is to get this functioning and out the door as soon as possible (July,August).  Aesthetics can take a back seat, we want a safe place for our content.  Once this is complete we have other big projects that will commence and be announced in the months after.  

Lastly I will be sending out the emails with rewards every Wednesday to  all new ($5.00+) patrons.  In closing we are ramping up for the next few months to finally get our affairs in order, then it's all about the games. Thank you all so much!



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