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As per usual I would like to recap what April was like.  In April we moved forward with our plan to distribute projects that have significant content in them, or have made significant progress.  We also decided to try and bring a more polished build to our supporters.  I personally watch most (if not all) the channels in which the community discusses our projects.  I was very happy to see a very positive experience was had by almost everyone (even in hostile places like 4chan).  We have started to settle into this plan moving forward and slowly are reaching our target of having a fully functioning VIP section of our website.  We also had the first month of actual growth since our restructuring.  Now on to some numbers

# of Patrons grew by 20.66% (up 125 total)

Earnings per month grew by 21.13% ( up roughly $650.00)

avg support remained the same. (around $5.11)

(These numbers are super encouraging for us as we seen losses as high as $1,400 in a month )

Enough about the past, on to May.  We ran a straw poll last month asking which method of distribution you preferred (either torrent or mega), and the result were split 65% for torrents, 35% for mega.  So we are going to run both.  We will continue to investigate options regarding both styles of distributing content.  Next the game this month as most of you know will be Bend or Break ($5.00).  Sunset is busy breaking it down and getting it to a state that would be acceptable for public release.  Now the reason we decided to go with Bend or Break rather than SU has a few reasons.  One we have noticed that a huge community for these types of games resided on newgrounds, and we would like to test the waters.  Reason two is, we really want to try out Webgl and see how well it converts, and can function as this will be the base for our VIP section of our site.  Lastly and really an unseen benefit, is that we get to see the mistakes and good decisions we made when the project was first created.  We both get to review how we went about creating the game and letting people know about it. In closing we want to thank you all so very much for making April a success and for supporting us in May.

Sunsetriders7 & SmokeShank

Gunsmoke Games


Maria Luna Celeste

Fuck yes! Korra getting bitchbent! Sweet! Mah balls!


This looks great!


Can't wait to see it. Though I am interested in hearing more about this VIP thing on your site.


Awesome keep the art right and beard tight, fellas.


It's great that BoB is getting worked on. It was BoB that first introduced me to Sunset, and I thought that the game had promise, even if playablilty was choppy at times. As I mentioned on another blog, the comic expo near me has really made me salivate for June and the next SU release as Harley Quinn seemed to be the most popular character this year!


VIP will be a subscription service kinda. Your pledge will grant you access to an area on our site where you can play all our games. It will a platform designed for us to consistently add content, or new games to (mostly in Webgl form). You will be able to use your patron log in (via a log in with patron button). We would host our own content!


With Suicide Squad coming out this year she will be a hot topic in the hentai community for sure.


Just played a leaked version of your su, not having heard of it before. I was so impressed I had to join up patreon to support you. Really great work, guys, I can see the effort.


VIP sounds awesome. I think it's cool your tying in the content based on the pledges from here. Can't wait to see it and what you guys post. Since you can put up your own content, does that mean you can post pics you couldn't here after the whole debacle?


I was really impressed by the latest release, the future looks very bright indeed after the first few hiccups of 2016