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Hey guys another showdown is upon us, leave your questions below and we will do our best to answer them!


Glenn Lewis

SU game. I have a lot of questions since this game kicks ass. 1. Oh many more superheroes are gonna be added. Would Starfire and raven might be added? 2. Would villains be apart of the glamor slam or maybe a side strip club where villains strip instead? 3. Will there be a bit by bit stripping for the naked strip show instead or just automatically being naked on stage?


I'm curious if we'll see the choice of hench women matter more in SU? I'm a big fan of HQ and love to see much more of her. Also thank you for all your hard work.


Love to see Starfire and Raven too! Maybe a DLC? ;P

Glenn Lewis

I'm glad you brought that up. I'm curious on how many more henchmen women is gonna be added. If I remember right there should be either 2 or 3 slots open for that. I believe Lois lane is one of them. If it does matter on henchmen women would Lois lower super hero activity so you won't get caught as much.


Starfire and Raven were never on JLU though. There are plenty of other female characters though


how is the progress on Path of Kings?


How much has been done to Mercy Graves in 1.7?


Okay first thing's first, I noticed in SU, pretty much all the female characters thus far have a rather large number of unlockable costumes, I'm curious as to whether these other costumes will be drawn from the various versions of the characters according to the multiverse or if it will simple something akin to Harley wearing Mercy's uniform. Also how many hench-women are we looking at possibly? On a side note always nice to met another fan of Berserk.


With 1.7, the "Big 3" of DC are included. What's the plan for the 3 other capturable Hero slots left? Also with Cadmus on the map, I'm guessing we'll eventually meet Amanda Waller in a side story. Curious, original BBW look or New52 Diet look?


If you add Power Girl she always had confidence issues in the comics cause of her boobs. If you can make less shy like princess trainer.


It seems that there is an overwhelming desire by everyone (honestly myself included) to see the completion of SU over Path of Kings. It seems to be that existing IPs are just more hype building than OC. Once SU has been rolled out, do you see yourself devoting more time to BoB and other parody works, or will you focus more on OC?


I honestly wouldn't mind more Path of Kings, but SR7 and Smoke just got started on it. The promise of what's to come is exciting. It's just that right now SU is in a more complete state.


Good evening guys! How is it going? What do you think about patrons support so far? Is it enough to release all of your ideas for the upcoming games? What if one day you get as much support as Fenoxo for example?

Wonder Red

Whats up guys hows the bug bashing going? Hoping that the testers helped out more than you thought they would.


oh man SR7... you have to have a scene where a boob pops out of that window accidentally!


There is a "Summoning" option available at Tala that currently does nothing. My assumption is that you'll be able to summon non-DCAU girls there (Teen Titans, Young Justice, maybe even Marvel girls as DLC once the game is completed). It all boils down to whether Sunset has any interest in drawing Starfire and Raven, I suppose.