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We were pushing to try to release a build this month, but it just isn't realistic. We lost a lot of time to fixing problems with the last build and there is no way to really make up for that. This will give us more room to make a solid build instead of trying to push one out for the end of the month window. We will get back to work and Sunset will do some more streams starting on Sunday again.



I wasn't counting with a new build this month anyway. Don't push yourselves. The cuality of your product is what attracted most of us anyway, not the releases times. Take care


Quality over a rushed release any day👍 Even if it takes a few weeks longer. Take all the time you need.


Hey no worries, as long as you actually are working on it then everything is great. Abandoned games are horrible but if your just taking time then that’s not bad. With updates and real progress, I would say your doing just fine :) I can wait for the amazing game and I 100% will. Just hope I catch it as soon as you release.


No worries, take all the time you need plus wasn't expecting a build this month.


I know I'm just summing up what every one else has said already, but shout out to the awesome community here. We are all just fans, supporters and patrons looking out for the creators well being before concerned about late releases. ( which is totally fine )


Ok fine but I'm gonna complain the whole time

John Richards

It’s fine. I didn’t really expect a release this month anyway


So, completely aside from this post, is there an android version? I can't find it anywhere