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This build will finally get to be interesting for you guys. Sunset will be working on the portraits, and backgrounds for the lower city. All the sketches and materials will be available to the insiders+ levels. We are aiming to have a significant portion of these finished so our script can start to come to life.

We are optimistic that we can get some content in this month, what it will be is hard to say at this point in time. We are going to be focusing on the Thief, and characters directly linked to him first. This way we can get a real idea as to how our ideas will play out. Right now there is a lot in place but without variables and visuals to drive it, it's all but invisible.

The great thing about the portraits and bgs is they only need to be done once and then those buildings and people can start to be put together. Sunset will be working on the Blacksmith first which I built a prototype around a while ago. As for Backgrounds the generic buildings open to everyone will be first on the list like the shops, blacksmith, inn, etc. Then the characters for those buildings will be next. We want to balance male and female characters in the world (but as war is ongoing there will be more women obviously).

As for writing, we would like to have the main intro's fully flushed out and completed.  What you see now are just place holders and rough out lines.  We had a nice script but when we added the text the cutscenes were only like 5 seconds long .  So now we are looking to add significant story to the cutscenes that will be touched on during your play through of the game.

We would like to have the Thief companion, bandit hideout, and the beginnings of the Thief story completed as a main goal this month. There are a lot less characters and backgrounds than the previous game, but they are higher resolution and much more complicated. As a stretch goal this month we are looking to finish artwork for the intros.

This build will definitely be one that starts to show the actual game take shape. As more assets are finished



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