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Sunsetriders7 and SmokeShank Ep.2

Our bi-weekly webshow if you like what we are talking about head over to www.patreon.com/sunsetriders7 and get early access to all dev builds and exclusive access to us.



Good show guys! Smokeshank, either get some mixers or get some pretzels. :P Here's a question that I believe I know the answer to but... Will PoK be linear or branching? For example to get to an end game state you need to accomplish A, B, C, D, and E. Must you do them in order. Or will they simply be 'quests' that exist? For example C looks interesting and C does lead to D but then I can go back and do the A and B stuff before heading off to E? (And don't feel the need to read that all out loud, especially if you've been drinking!) Also how deep are the non visual novel aspects going to be? Stats for the protagonists, for the girls? Equipment/Business/Property management? Also, keeping in mind that this is a work of fiction... how are you going to deal with slavery? I mean are we talking Hentai Mind Breaks, Stockholm Syndrome, Porn-Power-of-the-Penis Enthralling girls? I suppose whatever you choose is fine; but there is a question of in game verisimilitude especially in a fantasy context where slavery is not considered acceptable and is in fact illegal.


Thanks! There will be branching and linear parts. The main story for instance will be mostly linear for the classes with a few critical choices. For side quests some may just be A to B or C but some might have complexity. Most things I'd like to be able to be done in any order but some options won't open up till you meet certain conditions. I have to see how the game structure is going to look and how much time it takes to implement. I'd like a lot of choices that have consequences, so doing something or betraying someone will gain you something but lose something else. Most of the characters you can have a relationship with will have stats for checking on the status of it. The companions might be a bit more complex and have items, costumes, etc. You will have equipment you can equip but it will be purely for stats or situations. Depending on your class you'll have different properties. Thief will get a gang hideout, Slaver a black market, and the Nobleman will be able to purchase a mansion later in the game. Everyone will have access to buying different homes, brothels, shops, etc. The Slaver will definitely be the most complex class. I have to make more of the game before I can say exactly how it's going to be implemented. Being able to capture characters will take a lot more work than stealing or persuasion but net a lot more benefit in the long run. The way the game will play for him will be very different than the other two. For now I have an idea on how it will work but I have to get further along to see how it plays out.


SmokeShank was so funny in that episode. Totally made my day. :D


Thanks!!! Funny what a little (or a lot of ) whiskey will do to a man - SmokeShank

Andrew Chu

So are you going to progress one class at a time or progress all three at the same time?


The Thief will be the prototype at first but I'd like all the classes to progress as things are added. It's a lot easier to do it all together than go back and do everything three times.