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This character was heavily based on Korra. She is somewhat amazonian, and will provide an important role in the game. The captain will be the key for all stories lines when progressing through the gatehouses to the next tier of the city.  Each class will have a different story and goals but the gatehouses will act like way-points for the overall game.  Moving to the next tier will unlock more objectives and events for you to interact with.  As you open up other areas during your ascension to the throne, you will still have to interact with characters in lower areas of the map. Moving up will also unlock characters or events all over the city not just the unlocked portion.

All the characters will be on different levels of how much interactivity and content they have.  Some basic NPC's will just have simple interactions that are the same for all classes.  Others will have a relationship you can build on to get more content with them but this will be based on your class and story. There will be unique characters for each class which will aid in story progression, in addition to the companions. The companions especially will have the most interaction since they are always with you.

We will be doing more in depth character designs later in the February. For now we just need to make one set of finished portraits to test out some systems and what see what it will look like in game. These character sheets will eventually be fully painted to provide internal reference.  As an insider you will have access to all of these.




Will certain NPCs change from the classes influence on them? Such as a noble will be fearful if your classes is a slaver or rouge and you threaten them while noble born will have to play politics with the other noble? Or how the path to certain goals have different ways to gain from them? The idea of bribery, blackmail, intimation or influence then just one set road.


The base interactions will mostly be the same no matter which class. If you decide to build a relationship with a character it will change based on class. Especially the slaver being able to enslave characters will be drastically different but harder to do. The classes will all have unique base stories and different objectives but the progression will be the same. Everyone will have to move through to the next tier of the city just how they do it will differ. The skills will be used to change your course with a character too. The cost will just be different. Trying to persuade someone to do something as the nobleman will be pretty easy and used often but won't net you much rewards. Using the break ability as a slaver to essentially "capture" a character won't be easy to use but you gain a completely unique set of interactions with that character. I'd like the slaver to be much harder and slower to progress but you gain much more power over characters in the long run. Each class will have unique characters and interactions that you won't get with the others so there will be a lot of ways to play and replayability.

Krivvin Bailey

:) I thought I saw a Korra vibe. That's awesome. This design is great.