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What is a vision document? Really it’s something I saw on a Netflix documentary and like the idea. It’s a document outlining what we feel we want to create and give people an idea of what to expect moving forward. So now on to the vision document

Path of Kings (working title)

●note moving forward: All names and places are subject to change.

      The city of “TBD” has been recovering from a brutal war that has lasted the last decade. They know they are losing, so Nobles spend their days and nights drinking and partying in their safe walled off section of the city. All while draining the resources of the lower classes. The King is said to have lost his mind during the savagery of the battle of “TBD”. Wide spread rumours have the Princess using his weakened state as an opportunity to control him, creating a puppet King. All sorts of dregs have been seeking refuge in the lower city; this is leading to widespread corruption and depravity. This is the perfect situation for you to wrest control of the city from the current rulers.

      You enter this story playing as one of three classes. All of which have unique resources, and skills other than gold. Your story begins in the lowest town where interactions will change based on the class you have chosen. Helped by your companion, you must navigate a story, events, scenes, and goals all unique to your class. You will need an income source, which you utilize your unique bonus or income abilities.



    You were once a bandit king in a far off city; you were betrayed and lost everything you had worked for. Now you must use the abilities you honed during your reign to rise to the top again.

    Unique Ability: Steal: You’re able to rob and pickpocket your way to the top. Some admire, but you have always have taken what you want. Acquire items and money other classes don’t have access to.

    Unique Resource: Reputation: In the underbelly of any city only one thing matters and that is your reputation. You have gone from the bottom to the top once before, and this time you will rise even quicker.

    Unique Companion: Former Lieutenant: Your right hand, confidant, and someone you trust with your life. During your betrayal there was only one who fought beside you, this solidified your bond.

    Main Gameplay: Balanced Sex scenes. You’re most comfortable operating at night.

  • Easier difficulty during lower tiers of the city due to the connections you have established
  • You have access to money faster than other classes
  • You have the ability to take over the gangs of the city as your reputation rises
  • Wealthier areas of the city prove more difficult
  • As you grasp more control you open options to extort and blackmail

Disgraced Nobleman

    You are the last surviving son of a foreign disgraced noble family. Forced to flee your lands you come to the city looking to regain the respect of your families name.

   Unique Ability: Persuade: Years visiting the most influential courts in the land you have learned the advanced social skills needed to survive in those places. Exert influence through seduction and charm to gain options; other classes are not privilege to.

    Unique Resource: Influence: With power comes influence, being born into power you have known no different. Your lack of influence now has you craving what you have lost; you are driven to regain your power at any means required.

   Unique Companion: Half-Sister: the daughter of your father’s mistress and only other direct surviving family member who is willing to do anything you request.

    Main Gameplay: Incest sex scenes, you wake up early and operated during the day as that is what you have been taught growing up. Values of your family are what you hold dearest.

  • Grown up as a noble still provides you subtle rights, easier difficulty in wealthier areas
  • Ability to persuade more people as you rise to power granting more access to incomes and other options
  • Being a noble in the slums is not fun therefor it isn’t an easy road early for you.
  • Nobility comes at a cost, income is middle of the three classes
  • Nobility means you are lawfully able to buy property in the wealthiest areas of the city, an ability not afforded to lower classes.


    Finding a good slave is easy, training a slave is easier. During the great slave revolt in the east, your skill set is no longer appreciated in your homeland. The empire you once provided an essential trade no longer exists as the slaves you once provided rose up and revolted, gained control, forcing you to flee. You now have settled and miss greatly your old profession. Time to start slaven’.

   Unique ability: Break: Breaking a human is as easy as taking a piss. You always say “anyone can be broken” you get a thrill out of breaking even the most strong willed of people.


    Unique Resource: Dread: You have been here for a very short time and already have a reputation as a vicious slaver; you smile as this makes your job easier.

    Unique Companion: Former Slave turned Slaver: a well-trained helper who has proven their value to you many times over.

   Main Gameplay: Sex scenes domination: You’re evil and love it! Who cares about the afterlife, it’s about the moment for you. You live for the break, and the training of slaves.

  • Your reputation makes life difficult in all areas of the city, but if it was easy it wouldn’t be fun for you. The challenge gets you hard.
  • You exhausted all your cash hordes, not even a copper to spare. But slaves = money.
  • You see money all around you and know you can have it all! But it won’t be easy (hardest road to power)
  • You need to find the black markets and run them, that is the key to your rise!

Bonus - Corrupter

   Late game development addition, possible expansion or unlockable character.

    Born an orphan you met a mage at a very young age. Apprenticed and realized the old man a fool who didn’t realize the power he could yield. As an adult you were driven from your homeland by superstitious peasant fools. Now in the city you feel you can let your power free, but care must be had when you use dark magic, it’s only a problem when you get caught.

    Unique ability: Control: You have been perfecting your art out of sight of commoners for a very long time. You get great pleasure out of being able to make somebody do whatever your heart desires.

Unique Resource: Magic: peasants don’t like it, but that’s ok they don’t have to because they can do nothing about it.

    Unique Companion: Witch apprentice: She seeks you out due to your reputation and expertise in the dark arts.

    Main Gameplay: Mind control sex scenes: You operate best in the shadows, learning from past experiences it’s best people don’t see you actively use magic. You prefer to watch from a distance.

-People don’t like what they don’t understand. You must use caution.

-Control equates to power and income

-Nobody is safe from your abilities


    Managing resources, unlocking scenes through your relationships with characters will be the main gameplay you will experience. We want most NPC (non-player controlled) and base characters to be unlockable although special scenes will be modified by your class story line. Your companion will be the main character you are able to provide costume changes for, some other characters will be available also. Once you unlock areas of a city they will remain open to go back to. You are able to purchase property, and sell said property. In wealthy areas of town money becomes less useful as it’s seen as a requirement not a resource. You will need to manage your status in these areas. We are aiming for a 2-3 hour play through, but with multiple classes bring that number higher. This all happens during a day and night cycle.

Sex Scenes

   Everything is class dependent and each scene will cater to different preferences of that character. Every female character in the game will be attainable, some are slutty and easy, and some like the chase and others will only be had by a certain type of man. That being said some characters have reputations so choosing one, will potentially lock off another. We are aiming for variability and having multiple plays through that may provide different experiences.


    The game is being designed around our whole platform on Patreon. Meaning we are working at providing significant content during every build release. We want to eventually move to a 2 week build release schedule during certain phases of development. The slums will become the demo of the game, allowing us to release a public build. Patreon will be well ahead of all public releases. We are aiming for a 4-6 month development window at this point. The concept is variability, and the complete design of the game is surrounding this idea. We will be developing the game in near double the resolution of Injustice (1080p). We may scale this back if performance issues arise on peoples hardware. Multiple saves, text skip, autosaving and a lot of other features are already built in. We are using simple animations for menus and background (you will see this on this month’s build). We will be adding music as a last step in the game. We are devoting nearly 100% resources to this project, this is unprecedented in our company. We are very excited to see what and where we can take this.

A note from Sunsetriders7

    I'm excited to take all the experience I have now and put it into a game from the start. Also with it being 100% OC it unties my hands to just do what I want. The IPs are great to start because you don't have to design anything but become cumbersome as you go and you're locked into existing characters and places. There will also be nods to some of the characters I like put in as well. I had been thinking up a lot of elements since I started working on Injustice which have been put into planning this. So everything that you see here is been planned for a couple months now.

   Already I have the frontend of the game made with multiple saves and everything Injustice lacked for a long time built in right at the beginning. I will have a build out by the 31st and then start moving along again. Injustice isn't dead but we'll have to sit down and figure out what we're going to do with it in the future. With more focus on the game going forward I think a two week cycle build release should be possible eventually.

    I've never really done much OC material recently but before I did Gunsmoke stuff long ago everything I did was OC. I'm just tired of walking on eggshells with existing IPs and going original gives me complete control over everything for once. It also opens up a ton of options for the game to go to mobile and a lot of other places I wouldn't have gone before. The plan always was to transition to original content for this reason but it has just been forced into place faster.

I'm looking forward to making this game as great as it can be.


    We want to say that we both are extremely excited. Now what you just read is a culmination of approximately 2 months of planning. The original plan was to have this project completely separate from Patreon. I want to ensure all current and future patrons that your interests will be protected and held in the highest of degrees. We plan of having any public build released well after we complete that aspect on Patreon. This allows for us to conduct some build up and advertising on our side. We plan on handling our IP with major care. You should look forward to an amazing game play experience, and experience as a funder of this project. We want to thank you all for your support

Sincerely Sunsetriders7 and SmokeShank

Gunsmoke Games




Wow that sounds amazing. Really looking forward to play it.


I am stoked ,looking forward it this game very much. :D

Jake theberge

Sounds cool. You should have extra characters besides the main choices, like the corrupter. Maybe you could make a female character to play as? For fans of girl on girl.


I just want to say that this looks great. The corrupter is by far my favorite class. I actually am more intrigued by this than Injustice Unlimited.


Game sounds amazing! All of the classes are appealing, but I'll be playing as the disgraced nobleman first. Replay value seems really high in this game.


You know this game looks great and awesome and with all the passion and excitement built into this document you two almost sound "Thank you thank you Warner Bros for allowing us to have excuse to start this way sooner"


Love how the different classes have different ways to play (even different ways to have sex!) that isn't just different starting stats. With a starting cast that diverse, it's hard recommending other ways to make it to the top. It will be interesting to see if in the Noble's gameplay, by 'Incest sex scenes' is it only your half-sister or is there an extended family to help regain the honour of your family?


I have to admit, "game that is not Injustice" didn't catch my interest at all first. But after reading this document, it's a game I want to play. :) That Noble half-sister sounds intriguing already!


I have a question, will all of the classes be male? If so I'd be nice if one of the classes was a woman I'm thinking the thief. It'd add a fun amount of variety to have some female centric girl/girl stuff as opposed to girl/girl stuff just to entertain the male PC. Either way, looking forward to your new game and am excited to see what comes of it. Congratulations for landing on your feet after that DMCA. Good luck.


So, from what I understood of your presentation, the game will play somewhat like Injustice, as a kind of visual novel/management hybrid? Do you know already whether it will lean more on the management or on the text adventure side? (I liked the balance you had going in Injustice, but would also definitely be glad if you were to go even more into the management side as I find that the H-game landscape is kinda saturated with visual novels already, hence my question.)


We are trying to achieve the same balance as Injustice but with a slimmed down approach on the back end. Stuff you don't experience but we save significant time during development.


Thank you for your answer. :) I originally started supporting you because I liked the genre you had chosen to develop Injustice in, so I'm glad I'll be able to see more of it.


so it will be an RPG (its fantasy so that will be in their), dating sim (for some of the women you can't use powers on because of your class), trainer (slaver class), and management (own and selling properties and operating gangs) type of game blend. I look forward to it but I am a bit surprised you didn't have a joke "commoner class." Something average. Nothing going for them or against them. The Commoner.


Don't change the name, I like it.


If you throw in some sort of impregnation system that would be cool too, a king needs heirs.


This looks awesome. I upped my donation.


You never know eventually, the great thing about the OC material is it can expand in all directions.


Lol I was going to have 5 classes with the corrupter and a jester or something but I think that's too big of a bite right off the hop. I'm making everything to expand so there can be more classes eventually.


They'll be male for now, I'd also like to get the option to just choose male or female for the classes eventually. Right now that just doubles the workload of the game right at the start so I want to keep it simple for now.


I haven't started on the particulars of the stories yet, mostly just getting the backend programming together for now. I'd like to see the Noble as a kind of sarcastic charmer trying to weasel his way back to the top. There will kind of a main story arc for each class that will have to do with their situations. So the Noble could have a rival extension of his family or something in the city. Once the first build is mostly complete I'll start into the characters and story.


I think it is good in a way, we had always planned to go OC in time. Being forced into it now it really unties my hands to just do whatever I want too.


Thanks that the main thing I wanted to go for, so everyone will have a different experience.


This game sounds like it'll be epic. Very excited to get into it. Definitely sounds like a multiple play through. Given that, it'd be nice to have a multiple save ability, and the ability to name the saves. I just imagine wanting to play through different class systems.


Sounds awesome. Looking forward to it!


Cool. Rival heirs, an aunt/cousin or two. Hell even a running gag with some npcs showing your father's "true family legacy" would be interesting. (Nepotism ho!)


Well, good luck with this! I see stuff to like and stuff to meh about. BHB has never had a rousing start but scratches the itch I have for medieval fantasy trainer, even if it's in a quagmire atm. When I see the game and see how you'll be balancing the trainer aspects with the rest of the game. If you can actually buy businesses and well... I guess I mean that the more pseudo RPG/Sim Business aspects the better. Frankly having only sexy times with one or two primary companions is much more intriguing than a hundred generic scenes with a hundred generic girls. If I wanted cartoon porn that's easy to find. Finding a fun little visual novel/RPG is hard. :P


Thanks, I know what you mean. Building up a story and having things to do can really add to a good experience. Otherwise the game is just a wrapper for a few pictures really.


Amazing ...